Chapter 55

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"Mommy?" I looked back and saw Lauren strapping Billi to her booster seat. "Where are we going?" She asked.

"Mom has a surprise for you." I smiled.

I guess having two moms at time could be difficult cause we didn't know who Billi was talking to at times, but we got the hang of it. We knew who she was talking to if she use certain names for us. For instant, Mommy and Mom. I was mommy, and Lauren was mom.

"Really? But I've been a bad girl."she pouted which cause me to mimick her actions.

"Your not a bad girl. You make mistakes here and there like everyone else, but you are not a bad girl." I nodded agreeing with Lauren. "Now, sit back and watch your movie." Lauren said putting down the portable DVD screen from the roof of the truck. "What does Princess Is like to watch today?"

"Big hero 6!" She exclaimed excitedly jumping on her seat.

"You got it."

The ride was silent at first till Billi was in the part of the movie were Tadashi dies. That part got to her every time and it was hard to calm her down.

"Baby, its just a movie" Lauren said taking glances at her from the rearview mirror. "He didn't actually die." Lauren tried so hard to supress a giggle.

"I know, but its sad. He did die in the movie! Hiro's brother died!" She yelled lowering the window to get some air. "MY HEART!" She screamed.

I couldn't help but punch Lauren in the arm as she released her angelic laughter after trying to hold it in. She had to park the car on the side of the road to contain herself.

"She's a trip" Lauren continued to laugh, wiping away tears.

"Are you ok mamas?" I asked Billi as I turned over to see her.

"My heart hurts, but I'm ok." I pouted taking her hand.

"She's exactly you" I heard Lauren whisper as she snapped a picture from her phone.

"Mommy, can you sit with me?" I looked over at Lauren who nodded. I unbuckled myself and climbed my way to the back.

The rest of the ride till we got to the pumpkin patch, was comfortable. Lauren hummed to the radio which played low, in order for Billi to hear her movie, and Billi was trying not to fall asleep.

"Were here!" Lauren immediately get off the car and ran to Billi's side and carried her out. "Come on beautiful! I want to get the good pumpkins!" She took my hand and guided me to the entrance. "Hello, were two adults and a little girl" The lady smiled and handed Lauren the tickets as she handed the lady the money.

"What place is this?" Billi asked as Lauren placed her down. She looked around and took my hand at the unfamiliar scenery.

"Where at a pumpkin patch, mamas" I chuckled picking up her sweater, that was sliding off.

"What's that?" She scrunched up her nose just like Lauren. It was so cute.

"We walk around and choose a pumpkin of our choosing to take home. Then, we can either paint them, or Carve them? What do you want to do?" Lauren asked Isabel as she balanced herself on one knee.

"Did you hear that mommy!?" She exclaimed with excitement. "I can take a pumpkin home! Can we paint it and put in my room!" She asked pulling on the sleeve of my hoodie.

"Of course you can, baby! Just let's go pick out a pumpkin" I took her hand and guided her towards where the pumpkins where.

"She likes it!" Lauren whispered excitedly.

When Billi picked out her pumpkin, she helped Lauren and I pick ours, and picked an extra three for Ray, Hani, and Alessa. She was so happy. Happier than I have ever seen her.

"You ok?" Lauren whispered over to me as we walked behind Billi around Michael's looking for paint.

"I'm good. Why?" She took my hand and gave it a little squeeze.

"Just want to know. I want to know that your happy" I took a glance at her before nodding lightly over to her.

"Being with you and Billi makes me the happiest person alive. So, yes. I'm really happy." She squealed, engulfing me into a tight embrace. I felt her snuggle her nose against my neck.

Getting home, Billi yelled for Hani and Normani to come downstairs and into the kitchen. She jumped up on the stool and placed her pumpkin in front of her.

"How are you going to color it, mamas?" I asked sitting on the stool by her.

"I don't know yet." She looked up at me and tilted her head to the side. "What about you, mommy?"
"A funny face" I giggled before tickling her sides.

"Ok little man. You sit by Billi." Lauren said loudly as Hani ran to the kitchen. Hani jumped up and down from beside the table, so only his head was being visible. "Need help?" Lauren laughed extending her arms towards him.

Ray had eventually came out of his room and joined us taking his pumpkin. Normani came down as well with baby Alessa in hand.

After an hour or two, I stood in front of the six pumpkins that we laid in the table in the backyard to dry.

Lauren and I did Monsters inc. Considering that was one of my favorite movies. I painted mike, as she painted sully. We actually did pretty great. Billi just painted strips with different colors. Hani just dripped paint on his, Ray painted a day of the dead theme, and Normani did a lady bug for Lessa.

"We should do more of these" Lauren snaked her arm around my waist pulling me towards her. It was a little chili out, so feeling her warmth on my side was everything.

"We should." I sighed resting my head on her shoulder. "Thank you." I whispered.


"For making me feel better. For getting me out of the house. I really needed it." Lauren turned around and snaked her other arm around me, placing her hands in the small of my back. I wrapped my arms firmly around her neck taking everything in me not to kiss her. At least not yet.

"Its my job. Its my job to make you and Is happy." She tucked a strand of my hair that managed to find its way by my lips, behind my ear and softly gazed the pad of her thump over my cheek. "Its a job I'm gladly happy to do, till I take my last breath." I smiled and leaned towards her, letting my lips rest on hers.

"I love you." I stated pulling away.

"And I love you." She kissed my forehead leaving a trail of kisses to my nose. "Come on. I'm going to ignite the fireplace."


A/n: guys, I haven't came out of my house in the last two days. The 'clowns' came to my city I guess and yeah. I'm really scared :(

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