Chapter 10

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"Stop!" I panted lightly pushing Lauren off me. We had made it to her bed, ready to remove pieces of clothing.

What the hell was I doing. Or thinking. I'm not Lauren. I can't do this to Zayn. I can't even have sex yet! I'm not ready.

"What? You enjoyed it. I can tell by the way you kissed back" I looked at her in disbelief before putting my shirt down.

"I'm not going to do this to Zayn, Lauren. You basically just told me you didn't want me here, but your here kissing me. I'm not even ready to go to that next step!" I exclaimed throwing my hands in the air.

"This is why I told you to leave. It hurts to see the person you love, love someone else." I crossed my arms giving her a glare.

"Lauren! And you didn't think twice about me when you were with Brad? After we broke up you made it official with him. It was like we never happened. Like I never existed. I had to go through so much shit because the person I 'loved' was with someone else. You never once thought about me when you were with him, didn't you?" She stood quite wiping tears away from her cheeks.

"I did, But Austin threatened me. If I didn't continue seeing Brad, then he would tell the media how I cheated on you with Brad and him. So, we went out till I had enough. I just couldn't let the fandoms attack each other or one of us." I uncrossed my arms squatting in front of her.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I had began to cry. Maybe, just maybe, If I knew about this, Lauren and I could have still been together.

"You didn't want nothing to do with me. I called and texted, but found out you had changed your number. After about a year, I got tired of waiting around and just gave up." She played with her fingers. "I didn't want to though."

I had no words or thoughts to say or think about this. What are you suppose to say to this? Like this just changes everything in a way.


"Sorry I'm late!" I exclaimed as I saw Zayn waiting for me by his car door. "I was napping" He chuckled before he kissed me.

"Don't you think its kind of late to be napping?" He said motioning the dark sky.

"Says the guy who sleeps a lot!" I laughed loudly lightly slapping at his chest.

"Whatever. Just get in" I did as told and watched him ran around to get in the drivers seat. "Ready?" I nodded.


Getting to the restaurant, I had rarely listen to Zayn talk. I just sat back and thought of nothing nodding here and there so he knew I was paying attention. Its not like I wanted to, but right not I felt numb in a way. I didn't want to listen to anybody, I just wanted to be alone.

"Do you think Lauren and You would make up? Like friends" I snapped up hearing her name.

"Why!?" I answered quickly.

"Its just a thought." He threw his hands up in defense looking at me funny.

"I'm sorry. I don't know." After what Lauren had told me, I just walked away. I was speechless and couldn't stand there staring at her. "Maybe"

"I think you should. I know some people would think its bad for your current Relationship to let you be friends with your ex, but I think its OK. I mean you live in the same house as she does" Zayn had a big heart, and that was something I loved about him. That was another reason I couldn't hurt him. I just can't.

"We'll see"


"You know its 2 in the morning, right" I nodded keeping my eyes glued to the floor. "Come on in. I'm home alone anyways" we walked in and headed straight to his room. "What's up!"

Not knowing what to say or what to not say, I just decided to tell Ricky everything not keeping a detail out of place. He had a straight face and would nod when needed to. When I was done, he sighed and looked at me. He was a great listener.

"What do I do? I can't keep doing this, and hearing Lauren say that, is like-"

"Its like you want to give her another try, I'm I right?" I nodded. "Like I said you have to decided who makes you happier. The girl who did everything for you, or the guy that would do anything for you. You can't have your cake and eat it too, ya know"

"What is that supposed to mean!" I huffed.

"It means you can't have both. In the end of the day your gonna end up hurting both of them if you choose to keep both. That's impossible anyways. So, I suggest you choose who you really want to be with"


"Did you just get home?" I threw my heels to the side of the door and walked over to the couch and sat down by Dinah. She was the only one surprisingly awake, and watching a movie.

"Yeah. What time is it?" I asked as I grabbed the blanket that I had left here the previous morning.

"8 in the morning. Were you with Zayn?" I shook my head trying to sink deeper and deeper in the couch. I was comfortable. I need sleep.

"I was. Then I drove around, and found myself at Ricky's" she nodded. "What are you doing up early?" She shrugged laying next to me.

"I haven't slept" I raised a brow and asked why. "The day of the storm and we were all here, everybody seemed like they use to. Demi and Ally were ok, Camila and Selena were surprisingly hanging out with each other, and Val and I were talking like nothing happened. Like we didn't break up. And you and Lauren" I sat up. "It was like the storm wanted us to stay right next to each other."

"Your still in love with her to, aren't you?"

"With her to? Your in love with Val to!?" I giggled softly and shook my head.

"No of course not! But I do with Lauren" I whispered.

"I miss her" Dinah said before returning back to the TV.


A/n: Guys!? Should I change POV. If so, I'll do it for, not the next chapter, but the next next chapter. What do you think will happen next.

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