Chapter 21

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"Lauren?" I whispered. "Get out!" I said louder when I noticed it was her. She stood up releasing my shirt.

"Dan? I came to talk" She walked towards me. I held on tight to the door handle. She was about to touch me when I flinched and turned my back towards her. I looked back to see if she would do anything. She put her hands down and looked at her feet. I took the time when she wasn't paying attention to me, to run out the room and away from her.

"Hey? What's wrong" I saw Ricky walking out of his room. I heard my name and ran towards him as fast as I could. I hugged him tightly, shutting my eyes. "Who's that? What's going on?"

"Dani, please" Ricky held on to me tighter when he realized who I was running away from.

"Don't get near her, Jauregui." Ricky said with gritted teeth. "You have a lot of nerve coming here after what you did" I held on tighter burying my face into his chest.

"Ricky, please. I want to apologize. I need to apologize. What I did was wrong" I heard her speak so low.

"Hell yeah it was" I looked up and saw Val walking towards us. "What do you want. Do you see her wrist? How purple you made it!?" Val grabbed my arm and pulled me towards Lauren so she can see.

"Like I said. I need to apologize to her" Val stepped in front of Ricky and I and held on to my hand.

"That's not going to happen this time, Jauregui. You can't just apologize and pretend nothing happened so you can just walk back into her life. I won't let that happen. I let it go a few times, but not this time." Val spat. I peeked over Val's shoulder and looked at Lauren.

"Dan, you know I didn't mean it. I have issues to work on, I know. You know I wouldn't hurt you on purpose, you mean everything to me. If you don't want me to talk to you anymore, then tell me. I'm not leaving until you do" She said knowing she wasn't going to get through to Val and or Ricky.

I took a second to think. Every moment I had spent with Lauren in these past two months, has been nothing but incredible. Amazing even. But, she passed the lined. She had hurt me not only mentally making me feel bad, but physically.

"I think its best you go" I whispered burying my face once again against Ricky's chest.

"Okay then. If that's what you want, I'll go. I won't bother you or anything" Her voice quivered and that made me hug Ricky tighter as if that would stop me from crying. "Bye Teddy Bear" that made me cry even more. Teddy Bear was her nickname for me, when we were on the neon lights tour.

I couldn't bare to watch her leave. Every step she took away from us, was like a needle stabbing right to my heart. I could have stopped her, and told her to stay, that what she did wasn't a big deal, but it was. I know it was for the best to tell her to leave. Lauren and I needed to be separated. We needed time. Space.


"Hey, Red. I'm gonna go get something to eat with the crew. Are you gonna Want to go?" Ricky asked as I laid in my bunk listening to music. We had just finished a show, and all I wanted to do was sleep. I haven't been doing it a lot of it lately. More like a few weeks.

"No, I'm fine. I'm just going to shower, then probably hit the bunk for the rest of the night" He tilted his head giving me a sad look. I sighed shaking my head and changed the song that was currently playing. "Are you going to leave?"

"I am, but I'm worried about you. You haven't ate, or even came out of the tour bus." I rolled my eyes turning to my side.

"I'm fine Ricky. Just not feeling it" He shook his head disappointedly and closed my curtain before walking away.


Dinah's Pov-

"What are we going to do about Lauren?" Camila asked as we walked around the hotel's pool area.

"I agree. Ever since she got back from visiting 'somebody', she's been laying around like a sack of potatoes. I'm worried about her" Normani said jumping into the conversation. "She didn't even tell us about the incident with her and Dani and Why she left early. I'm really curious"

"So am I, but they won't tell us anything. We have to go to either Ricky or Val. Are any of you close to Ricky?" Ally asked. We sat by the pool and rolled up our sweat pants up, and dipped our toes in the water. "Well, we can't tell Val"

"Well, I can" I mumbled. Camila snapped her head towards me and tugged a small smirk while bumping her shoulder with mine.

"You and Val, huh. Are you guys talking again." Normani asked mimicking Camila's action on my other shoulder. Ally just sat there waiting for my answer.

"Well, not exactly." I sighed splashing water with my feet. "She's still with Troian, and I don't want to get involved in it"

"What about Alfredo?" Ally asked.

"What about him? We're just friends" i shrugged.

"Good, then you can talk to Val about Lani. We really want to know." I huffed, but agreed to do it. Not because I would like to know what's happening between them, but because I want them back together.


A/n: what do you guys think will happen next chapter? I know I'm updating on Saturday, but I felt like I haven't updated in like a year lol.

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