Chapter 38

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"Are you sure we can do this? We're three women with no parenting skills. We're not going to survive" Camila exclaimed as we circled around Billi who was wiggling around.

"She's only seven months. What could she possibly do. Where's Normani and Dinah anyway." Ally said realizing the girls weren't around.

"Normani went out with Diggy to who knows where, and Dinah went out to eat with Val" Camila said caressing Billi's cheek. "We have a long day and a half ahead of us. Let's get started."

"Wait! What!? Dani and Lauren are coming back til tomorrow!? Why didn't you tell me!?" I yelled.

Don't get me wrong, I love my niece and would love to spend as much time with her, but I don't know one thing about being a parent. Especially to a seven month old baby. I can with a six year old who can do things by himself.

"I told them to come back tomorrow. They need to rekindle their relationship. Plus, we need to show Isabel that she can count on her Aunty's" Ally said crossing her arms towards me.

"How are we going to do this. We have you probably the only one that can contain her if she gets crazy, Camila who is clumsy and will probably fall while chasing Bil, Ray who doesnt have a clue how to take care of a baby, and me who really doesn't have much paitents. I love that baby more than anything, but I don't know if I can do this" I sighed and sat on the floor. Mila sat next to me carrying Billi and set her down beside me.

"You can do this mommy! We can do it together. Billi will be okay" Ray said before jumping in my lap.

"See, even Ray has faith in you" Ally giggled and sat by me. "You need to stop putting herself down"

"Guys?" We looked at Camila and nodded. "Where's Billi?" I began to panic and stood up instantly running around the living room.

"Isabel! Come out!" Ray shouted looking under the couch.

"Babe? I doubt she's under there." I slightly laugh before walking to the kitchen.

There on the floor was Billi petting, Captain, Ray's puppy that Ally and I got him. She began to cry and bite on her fingers.

"Girls? I found her" I bent down and picked her up balancing her on my hip. "Billi, stop crying please" I mumbled resting my forehead on hers.

"She's okay Dems. Don't cry" Ally giggled. "Lauren said before she left that Billi is teething. We just have to get her that teething toy" I nodded not realizing I was crying as I watched my niece cry.

"I'll take her, you can sit down a bit" Camila giggled and removed Billi from my arms. I did as told and stumbled to the chair and sat down releasing a breath.

"We only had her for a few minutes, and she's already a handful." I said to Ally who grabbed a teething toy from the playpin.

"She's a baby who learned how to crawl and stuff. Of course she's a handful, but we still have to be with her" I nodded standing up and following Camila to the living room.

"Hiya Billi. I'm your anuty Camila, but you can call me whatever you want" Camila said to Billi. Camila looked at the baby cutely.

"You should have baby, Mila" I laughed lightly. Camila raised a brow and looked at Billi.

"I would, but I wouldn't be able to do it on my own." She looked at Billi sadly then looked up to see us.

"What happened to you and Selena?"

"Nothing" she mumbled and sighed. "I don't want to really talk about it" Ally and I nodded and sat down beside her.

* * *

The next day as promised, Dani and Lauren returned home. They seemed like they had a great time considering they couldn't stop making googly eyes at each other.

"Dani!" We heard a yell as we ate breakfast. "What did you do!" Dinah marched to the kitchen and towards Dani.

"What are you talking about, D" I watched between the two. Then looked over at Lauren who was holding Billi.

"Val doesn't want to come in the house. She claims you did something. You know this is her house to!" Dani rolled her eyes and continued to eat.

"I told her the truth, Dinah. You know, people that know they're doing bad tend to take shit up the ass when people them on it. She came at me first" I never seen Dani so sassy.

"Well I'm ending it. This is ridiculous Dani. She's your best friend" I said glaring slightly at my little sister.

"Demi, you don't know what she said to me. She wanted me to break up with Lauren to date her friend. She talk out of her ass" She glared back and began to slightly yell.

"What did she say?" Lauren asked.

"I don't want to talk about" Dani huffed.

"Well, what did you tell her?" Dani crossed her arms and sighed.

"Well what I said kind of goes along to what she said and I don't want to talk about it" Dani sat back on the chair and sighed lightly. "I'll see you guys later. I have to talk to Kevin and Phil" Dani stood up and placed her bowl to the sink. I knew Dani just wanted to get away considering today was her day off.

"Why can't we all get along?" Normani whined getting all dramatic.

"Yeah!" Camila joined. "Why can't we be like how we use to be?" I sighed and looked at Ally who was serving Ray his breakfast.

* * *

A/n: just uploaded the first chapter to 'unknown call'. I have a great feeling about the story. Tell me what you think about it. Also, should I do a Lauren and Tori Fanfic? Comment below!

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