Chapter 13

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After rehearsals, I drove home to take a quick shower and threw on sweats, boots and a sweater. Today Zayn was leaving, and he wanted me to go see him. Camila was tagging along to say bye to Harry.

Their relationship wasn't going good. Camila had told me that Harry was being distant and whenever they talked, it was short quick answers.

"How are you guys doing?" I asked Camila who sat in the passenger seat of my truck.

"The same. I was thinking" I stopped at a red light and looked over at her. She was looking out the window, and from the reflection on the window, I had notice she was crying.

"About what?"

"About my relationship with Harry. I think I'm going to end it" she began to cry more. The light turned green and I drove and parked by a sidewalk. I unbuckled myself and hugged Mila.

"Are you sure Mila? It might blow over?"

"I'm Sure Dani. It has been a week and Harry is still the same. He doesn't really looks at me anymore" she sobbed. "I shouldn't have kissed her" she whispered. I pulled away and looked at Camila.

"You what, Karla?" She looked at me in a panic.

"Please don't say anything. It just happened. Selena and I were hanging in my room and next thing you know we were making out on my bed." She wailed covering her face in her sleeves.

"Camila! Please calm down." I wrapped my arms around her again, trying to sooth her.

"I can't. I'm a bad person!" I shushed her as people began to stare inside the car.

"Camila, your not a bad person. It happens." I panicked trying to calm her down. "Please, please calm down."

After what seemed like forever, she stopped crying and placed the seat back so she can lay. I gave her nervous smile and began to drive again, to the airport.

Getting there, we drove to the back to keep away from the sea fans. If Camila was going to do this, then she has to be really far away from them.

"You made it!" I heard Zayn. "I thought you weren't coming" he hugged me tightly before Louis, Niall, and Liam pulled around for a hug.

"As much as I hate saying goodbyes, I couldn't see you leave without hugging you one last time" He chuckled pulling me into another hug.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Camila and Harry walk off. It makes me nervous. Who knows how Harry will react, or how Camila will get.


"So, what happened?" I asked Camila as we made it through the front door of our house.

"Its done" she shrugged leaning back and forth on her heals. "I'm going to miss him, but I'll be OK" I opened my arms and she walked over. "Thanks Dan." She pulled away and went up the stairs.

"Hey!" I turned fast to be met with Lauren in her lazy clothes, similar to mine. "Where did you go?" She asked walking towards me for a hug.

"I went to say bye to Zayn." I half smiled as she kissed my cheek. She took my hand and led me to the kitchen where something was smelling real good. "What are you cooking?"

"Steak fajitas" she exclaimed. "I hope you like them" She gave me an uneasy smile.

"Lauren, I'm going to like it. I've eaten it before" I playfully rolled my eyes and walked over to the stove and picked at the strips of the steak meat that she had just cooked. "Ow!" She slapped my hand before I can even place the piece into my mouth.

"Wait till later" she hugged me from behind and rested her chin on my shoulder. "We should cuddle after this. What do you say?" I rested my hands on the counter feeling ugly. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know, Lauren. I feel really guilty" I turned around. She pulled away leaving her hands on my hips.

"I know. I just really want to be with you. You know, cause we're leaving in a couple days" I lightly chewed on my bottom lip and hugged her, letting my head rest on her chest.

"I know" I sighed. I looked up and seen her eyes. They looked at me worried. As much as I couldn't cuddle with me ex, I wanted to. "Can we just skip eating, and go cuddle now?"

"Well, I haven't had breakfast, but I'll tell you what, we can cuddle on the couch while I eat. Yes?" I nodded and ran to the living room getting my blanket.

When she came in, she was holding a plate of her food and a cup I guess of water. She sat by me and turned on Netflix. She lifted her legs on the coffee table and motioned me to cuddle her side. She handed me the remote and I spent like ten minutes deciding what movie to watch.


I woke up and turned to my side to be faced with the digital clock I had on my nightstand. 3:28 am, it read. I looked around and seen I was in my room. No memory of how I got here. I removed the blanket and sat up looking at the figure next to me. It was Lauren. She had brought me up. I guess I had fallen asleep during one of the movies we were watching.

"Go back to sleep, babe." I faintly heard. I blushed and got back into bed cuddling to her back. She turned over, and spooned me. Her breath by my ear and her hair tickled my shoulder. Just like old times.

"Are you going to be here in the morning?" I asked. I felt her nod squeezing my waist.

"Of course. I won't go anywhere" I brought her hand to my lips and kissed it gently before a tear escaped my eye.


A/n: next this chapter and the next will be Dani's POV, then I'll switch it to somebody else. What do you think the next chapter will be about?

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