Chapter 41

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Dani's POV-

I was currently at an interview in New York. I have been away from home for awhile now, and I hate it. I mean I have been skyping Lauren and Billi as much as I can, but it doesn't feel the same. I can't hold them. I can't touch them. It sucks but its our jobs.

Lauren and the girls would be leaving soon to start on their second album, and some interviews, Phil tells me.

Lauren's parents would take care of Billi while my parents had Ray whenever Demi or Ally weren't around. But then the parents will switch and my parents will have Billi for a bit, and Ally's parents would have Ray. I don't really know that much of the grandparents schedule, but I trust them.

"Everybody likes to know, what's going on with you and Lauren from fifth harmony?" I mentally groaned.

Almost every interview I had been in since I started have asked about her. I mean I would love everyone to know that the green eyed beauty has forever my heart, but being in this industry was tough and Lauren and I have dated for years. If we don't count the break ups.

Lauren and I have talked about it though. We would say that we're really close friends. That she's my bestest friend in the entire world, and they would go into another subject or stay on the topic of my love life.

"Well, Lauren and I are best friends. We're really close" I giggled trying my best to contain myself.

"That's sweet! Any boyfriends? Girlfriends? Are you straight or not is what I'm asking" he chuckled.

"I don't like labeling myself with stuff like that. You don't get to choose who you fall in love with, so who ever I fall in love with, female or male, it doesn't bother me" he nodded.

"So your about to go on tour, am I right?" I nodded lacing my fingers together on my laps. "But your also working on your third album. How do you find time between everything?"

"I don't get sleep" I laughed. "I'll probably get at least four hours of sleep if I'm lucky." He released a chuckle and held up a mug of coffee.

"I feel you" he took a sip and sat it down gently. "Now, recently your sister and the girls of Fifth Harmony, have been spotted holding a baby. We all would like to know who the cutie is? What's her name?" I cursed at myself.

We have been extra careful when it came to Isabel. We don't want her around paparazzis or fans so we try to keep her home as much as possible unless we have to take her out.

I haven't gotten asked about Billi so I don't have the slightest clue what to say. So I have to try and come up with the best quick lie.

"Her names Isabel, but we call her Billi. She's my brother's daughter" I heard myself say. "We love having her around, so we try to keep her around as much as possible" the interviewer nodded making a cute face.

The interview went on like that for about twenty more minutes. I was so glad to be out of there. Its torture.

"Great job about Billi" I heard Lauren laugh on the other end of my phone. "She misses you by the way" I pouted walking my way to the SUV and my second Manager, kevin walking behind.

"I miss her so much. Like I'm use to holding her, watching her sleep, and playing with her. Now, I just feel useless" I chuckled climbing on to the black SUV.

"What the hell am I? A sack of potatoes!?" I laughed and watched as Kevin sat next to me.

"A beautiful sack of potatoes" I heard a whine on the other end. "I miss you to! I miss your kisses and your cuddles" I whined back mimicking her tone.

"Lauren?" Kevin asked as he looked down at me. I laughed and watched him shake his head.

"Shut Up babe!" I heard the most loudest, beautiful, and contagious laugh. That raspyness of her voice was just to incredible. I miss her husky voice in the morning.

"Look, I have to go, beautiful. I'll Skype you tonight. Please, and I repeat please, makes sure Isabel is awake!" I exclaimed.

"Ok, ok I promise. I love you babe" I smiled and told her I loved her before hanging up.

"Now that the love birds have talked" I rolled my eyes playfully and lightly blushed. "We can get something quick to eat. Ricky got us reservations at the cheesecake factory." I did a little happy dance as the driver began to drive.

I haven't hung out with Ricky since thanksgiving and thats because he's been visiting his brother who's in the military, but we talk a lot on the phone. He keeps telling me that he really wants to meet Billi. Of course I want her to meet him. He'll be her uncle.

"I'm so hungry Kev!" I groaned.

"Don't worry, well be there soon"


Lauren's POV-

"Hi mamas" I giggled as I bent down to pick up Billi who crawled her way to my room from Camila's room next door. "How's my little nena?" I rubbed my nose against hers and balanced her on hip. "Its time for a bath"

"Lauren!" Camila yelled walking into the bathroom in a panic. "Isabel left-" camila's eyes landed on Billi who simply laughed.

"Go rest up Camz. I got it from here" Camila nodded and gave Billi a kiss on the cheek before leaving. "Your driving your aunts crazy" I laughed.

"Hey aunty Lolo!" I looked down and found Ray standing with a huge smile.

"Hey buddy. What's up?"

"Everyone's napping. Can I be with you?" I nodded and motioned him to sit on the floor.

"I have to take Billi a bath. You wanna help get me her things?" He nodded rapidly with pleading eyes. "Alright then, go to the closet and grab the small pink towel"

* * *

A/n: check out my other stories. Should I delete her smile?

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