Chapter 43

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A/n: Sorry for the slow update! Trying my best to get back on this.


Lauren's POV-

"Has anybody heard from Dani?" Demi shouted as she walked out of the restroom and into the studio where we were currently writing for the new album. She tagged along to be with Ally before she had to leave and focus on her career.

"Nope, and I am beginning to worry" Normani sighed pulling out her phone and placing it on the table.

"What about you Lauren?" Dinah asked giving me a hopeful look. I simply shook my head and went back to writing.

I know Dani and I haven't talked for months because of our work. Dani is touring and doing others things. I would lie and tell you it didn't bother me, but it was hurting me to the max that I haven't seen or spoken to her.

It also hurts that she couldn't be with me and Billi for her first birthday. She was actually out of the country. She did however facetimed her parents and managed to talked to Billi that day for hours.

"Are you OK?" I felt someone sit by me and I notice it was Demi. She looked at me sadly before taking my hand and holding it tightly.

"Yeah" I choked out. "We're just at different places at different times. It's normal" I half smiled and shrugged.

"It isn't normal though, Lauren." Camila said. I shrugged again and held in my tears that wanted to escape. "Why don't you call her?" I shook my head and continue to write. I looked down and notice that I was done with, 'No Way' a song I have been working on all day.


Dani's POV-

"Wow, shes big" Zayn smiled as I showed him pictures of Billi on my phone. "How old is she now?"
"A year and two months" I smiled as I came across a picture of me holding Billi, and Lauren sitting beside me hugging us both. It was the best and cutest picture of us that had been my wallpaper for awhile now.

"Has she talked yet?" I looked at Zayn and locked my phone chucking it into my pocket.

The past few hours I have been thinking a lot about Lauren and the girls. Maybe this is a bad idea. I love Lauren. I want to be with her, but maybe the engagement is to early for the relationship.

"Yeah. She's learning the basic stuff. Mom, no, yes. That kind of stuff" I sighed. "She's a handful" I giggled and looked up at the ceiling of the bus.

"Hey!" Ricky walked into the bus and froze when he saw Zayn and I smiling.

Ricky thinks if I smile or laugh with Zayn, its a sign of me wanting to go back with him which is a no. I laughed again at Ricky's facial expression and stood up to grab his hand.

"Hey! What's up?"

"Have you talked to Lauren?" I tensed up and let go of his hand sitting back down by Zayn.

"Today's a week off. I've decided to go see her." I have thought long and hard about this, and decided that I should go see her and talked to her about how I feel.

"Ok. Just choose wisely. Cause your going to regret everything if you make the wrong choice." I nodded at Ricky sighing, standing up, and walking to my bunk to get everything ready.


After a few hours, I was home walking around the house to find no one was home. I pulled out my phone and was about to call Lauren when I heard movement upstairs.

I slowly and quietly walked upstairs and down the hall to see if I hear anything else. Then a sound of soft music was playing from Camila's room. I twisted the sort knob to find Selena laying on the bed.

"Sel?" I asked in a perplexed tone. Selena launched herself off the bed and landed on her feet.

"Dan!" She ran over to me and hugged me tightly. "You startled me! How have you been? Why haven't you called!?" The questions went on and on for a good fifteen minutes till I stopped it.

"Sel, calm down" I laughed. "Where are the girls?" I asked. She smiled widely.

"Everyone's at the studio. They should be here in a bit, hence why I'm here by myself and in Mila's room" she looked around avoiding eye contact.

"I'm guessing you're with Mila?" She did a nervous smile and slowly looked at me.

"Are you mad?" I shook my head with a laugh.

"Course not. That's what I wanted actually" I chuckled. "I'm really hungry right now, so I'm going to my parents house to see Billi. Don't let the girls know I'm here just yet." She nodded giving me another hug.


"She's walking?" I whined playfully to my mom who had Billi walking behind her as she cleaned.

"Yeah! She hates getting picked up now and she's learning how to be potty train. Didn't Lauren tell you?" I shook my head sadly and smiled again when Billi saw me and waddled her way to my arms.

"I haven't spoken to her. I have been really busy" I lied.

"Dan? Don't be like Demi, please? When she was on the road, she pushed everyone away and at the end, she had no one to lean on, unless she called us. I don't want that for you. Lauren is the best thing that has ever happened to you. Despite your differences with each other, you both were made for one another. That baby brought you two closer when you both thought it was the end of the relationship." I looked at my mom intently. I feel like crap. I was speechless.

"Then why do I feel like we're rushing things?" I asked my mom. Billi wiggled herself out of my hold and went to follow Batman and Captain. Demi's new dogs that she bought for Ray and herself and Ally.

"I'll admit the engagement ring was early, but it all depends on you both. Both of you are really mature for your ages. Just take things slow. Don't talk about wedding dates or anything until your ready to talk about them."

"Your just having jitters since its a big step in you life" I heard a voice coming down the stairs. It was Eddie. "Don't worry about them"

"Hi dad" I said and walked over to hug him.

"Mom" I heard a mumble and found Billi stretching her arms towards me. I picked her up and balanced her on my hip. It still amazes me that she can now say words.

"Can I take her? I'm going to be here for a few days and want to go talk to Lauren" my parents nodded.

"She is your daughter" my mom laughed.

I strapped Billi to her car seat and walked over to my truck strapping her into the back seat.


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