Chapter 50

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The next day the girls and I hung out as promised. I was leaving back on tour and to finish with another album I was working on later on tonight.

"So, you never said what you and Lauren did" I looked at Normani as she stuffed a forkful of an omelet into her mouth and then at Dinah who played with her breakfast.

"I didn't want to say anything yesterday. Yesterday was Dinah's time" I raised my orange juice and looked over at Lauren. "I'm sorry for the way I acted, D. It was childish of me. Congrats to you and Val" the corners of Dinah's lips curled upwards showing me she was smiling.

"Thank you, Dani" She stood up from her seat and wrapped herself around me.

"Of course, but Valerie and I are still not on speaking terms. At least give me time" she nodded against my chest and pulled away. "If you're happy, then I'm happy"

"Awe my babies made up!" Lauren stood from the seat beside me and wrapped Dinah and I into her arms. "Its time we tell them"

"I'll do it then" Lauren sat back down, and Dinah walked back to her seat. Billi jumped herself up and down from Demi's lap and drank from her bottle. "Being away on tour on my own, made me think a lot about how Lauren and I were moving way to fast in our relationship. I was trying to distance myself to think about what I really want. The funny thing was, when I came here, I was still trying to figure it out, but being in Hawaii opened my eyes." I took Lauren's hand held it as I looked at Everyone one by one. "Lauren and I got Married"

The girls look liked they had seen a ghost. I heard small little clinks as I heard forks being dropped onto their plates.

"Yes!" Camila literally stood onto the table and walked across it not caring if she was stepping on our food, or if anybody was staring. She then jumped onto me. "My babies are married!"

"Dani, this is serious?" Demi said sternly as she eyed me harshly.

"Yes, I'm being serious, Demi" I said facing her but still holding on to Camila who had no signs of letting go. "I had a lot to think about, and I think I was finally ready to spend the rest of my life with my Lolobear" Lauren snapped her head towards me.

"You haven't called me that in years" She said surprisingly. I shrugged caressing her cheek with my free hand.

"I need to join this hug!" Dinah and Normani stood up and mimicked Camila's actions.

"Congrats!" Ally chirped clapping her hands. I notice tears threatening to spill, but Demi on the other hand was crying uncontrollably.

"My baby isn't a baby no more!" She wailed and pushed everyone to the side so she was the only one hugging me.

"I'm still your baby, Demetria. I'm just your baby with a wife and a daughter" I shrugged and held onto her tighter. "But I'm still the little baby that needs her sister once in awhile. I'm still the baby that was and still is looking up to her big sister." I felt Demi cry harder against me.

"Demi, baby breathe" Ally smiled rubbing Demi's back.

"She's fine. She's just over whelmed" I laughed holding in to Demi tightly.


I went back on a plane later the same day happier than I have ever been. I was leaving married and proud.

Rickster- call when you land! I'll pick you up and also Zayn is tagging along -.-

I Laughed at Ricky's text. I was still so surprise that Zayn was here. I swear I thought he'd leave already, not that I don't like having him around.

Landing, I pulled out my phone and called Ricky just like he asked. I then sat at Starbucks that the airport had cause I felt tired and needed some sort of caffeine.

"Dani!" The Starbucks guy called out my name and I stood up from my seat and walked over to get it.

"I got it" I smiled and watched as Ricky ran passed me and grabbed my drink. "Danster!" He yelled.

"Rickster!" I yelled back and ran to hug him. "I missed you!" I exclaimed throwing my arms in the air.

"Girl, I did to! I have been with grumpy all week" Ricky's face expression went from a happy one to an annoyed one. "I can't put up with him anymore" I laughed looking over his shoulder. Zayn was walking towards us as he hid under a beanie, sunglasses, and a over size hoddie.

"Hey stranger" I giggled when Zayn was close enough. I opened my arms and watched as Zayn hugged me.

"How are the girls?" He asked quietly.

"They're good. Everything seems perfect" I pulled away from Zayn and looked at him. "How are you?" He shrugged. He seemed out of it.

"Breathing." He said bluntly.


A/n: guys!!! I was supposed to post this a few days ago but was still in a bliss to do so. I saw my babies live for the first time!! We got pretty far seats but a radio station gave us seats that were way closer for free! I kept yelling Lauren was real throughout the whole show. Then I cried when Lauren started crying during 'No Way'. Guys I'm so happy! Then in three days I'll see Demi for the first time to. I'm gonna cry.... THE PICTURE was one of many that I took at the show.

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