Chapter 70

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A/n: I feel like I don't post pics of Ariana often

"Can you rub my back?" Lauren asked sitting on the bed in front of me. I nodded and swept her hair to the side of her shoulder placing the magazine I was reading down.

"Are you OK?" I asked pressing my fingers on Lauren's back and rubbing her gently.

"I feel really stress lately." She sighed trying her hardest not to release a moan. "Where are the kids?"

"Finally asleep. Billi wanted to wait till you got off the shower to put her to bed, but she couldn't fight it." Lauren fell back slowly on top of me so I was able to see her face. "And Anthony is, well Anthony. He fell asleep while I fed him." I heard Lauren giggle which caused me to laugh.

"My poor princess." She pouted. "Since the kiddos are not here, how about we have Dani and Lauren time. We haven't had one in a while." Lauren said with a seductive tone. She wiggled her eyebrows trying her best to persuade me and turned over, beginning to crawl on top of me.

"Everyone's asleep." I groaned trying to stifle a laugh. "And the kids. Its been awhile since we've done anything."

"Then we would have to be extra quite." She whispered as she bit lightly at my ear lobe. It had caused me to giggle uncontrollably and squirm under Lauren's  grasp. "Shh! Are you trying to get us caught!?" She whispered sternly trying to hold back her smile.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled. "Its just so ticklish." I giggled softly pressing my lips against her neck.

Lauren huffed and ran her hands down my sides and towards my back, her finger tips slightly gazing the waist band of my shorts as she got ready to pull them off. She kissed me roughly but passionately.

"Can we do it. Please." She groaned gazing her teeth from my neck to my collar bone which caused me to press her more into me. I wanted to feel Lauren close to me as possible.

I couldn't answer her. I was slowly entering a world of bliss and I was scared to hear my voice shake.

Of course I wanted to have sex with her though. It had been a little bit over a year and a half since we last had done it, so I wanted this more then she did. And that was saying a lot considering Lauren was like a dog in heat most of the time.

Though, I was insecure about my body just recently having a baby. My body was clearly not the same and I couldn't stand being naked. Especially in front of her. I just couldn't.

"Can we just cuddle?" I spoke up slowly. Her head slowly lifted from my neck and looked at me with concern.

"What's wrong?" I shook my head cupping Lauren's cheeks and resting my lips gently on her nose. Her eyes closed and a small barely visable smile appeared.

"Just want to lay in bed. We hardly have time to sleep." Even though it was true, I felt really bad for lying. I really did wanted to be intimate with her.

"Are you sure? It looked like you really wanted to have sex." Lauren sat up and took my hand helping me to sit up as well. "Are you still, you know, thinking about when we weren't together?" I instantly looked at her seriously shaking my head.

"No." I said disgusted although now I'm just ugh with wanting to have sex with her after that stupid little comment. I know she had sex with that ex-girlfriend of hers. "I'm tired, Lauren. Anthony is finally asleep and I feel like I should take advantage right now." Lauren clicked her tongue, rolling her eyes.

"Baby, we are going to take advantage. A little bit of Lauren and Dani time won't hurt." She whined beginning to crawl over to me. "Then after we're done, you can sleep the whole day. I'll take care of the kids alone."

"But I'm so tired." She sat back down and nodded giving in.

"Can we at least cuddle?" She whined pleadingly.

"Well what kind of cuddle are you talking about?" I raised a brow before getting under the covers. "Cause it doesn't sound like the normal cuddling I'm talking about."

"Well, its like you lay back, and I do all the work. How bout it?" She wiggled her eyebrows which caused me to laugh.

"Goodnight Lauren!" I laughed and shook my head turning over. I heard her snicker under her breath and laid beside me. She wrapped an arm around my waist and snuggled her face in the back of my neck.

"Goodnight, Dani." She whispered mimicking my tone.

* * *

The next day in the afternoon, I went downstairs to find everyone there at the table. It seemed so quite and I knew something was wrong with the look on their faces.

"What's going on?" I asked taking a seat by Dinah who was feeding Hani some cereal.

"Ray hasn't came home." Ally mumbled looking at Demi who was by the sink constantly looking out the window. Her body language seemed nervous.

"Have you guys called him?" I asked suddenly feeling a pang on my chest. "What about texting him?"

"The calls are not going through so his phone is dead or off." Val sighed looking through her phone. "Demi called the police and they were not that long ago here asking us questions."

"Why didn't anybody call me when you realized this was happening!?" I asked agitated.

"Babe, I didn't want to worry you. You seem in enough stress without sleep. I didn't want to wake you." Lauren chirped bouncing Anthony gently on her lap.

"Yeah Lauren, but this is my nephew. The only thing I have of my brother. I can't lose him either." I stood up and grabbed my keys from the hook by the kitchen entrance. "I'm gonna drive around to see if I at least spot him." I called as I was about to head out the front door.

As I drove around, I kept thinking the worse. I felt like every turn I made around the neighborhood and around the school, I was going to find him doing something he wasn't supposed to or worse.

When I didn't find him, I went home in hopes he was home already. I parked in the drive way and notice a few unfamiliar cars parked on the side walk. I curiously walked up the steps and opened the front door to find everyone in the living room. And I mean everyone.

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