Chapter 29

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Throughout the whole day, Lauren, Ray, and I cuddled on her bed watching movies that had anything to do with Thanksgiving or Christmas. We ate the pizzas and other foods and things that I didn't think tasted good together, but Lauren said it would, and they did. It was unusual, but really good. Like pickle juice and popcorn. I know disgusting, but it was good.

"He fell asleep" I heard Lauren whisper. I lifted my head from her shoulder and looked at Ray who fell asleep on her lap.

"What did you do to him?" I joked.

"Nothing. I promise. He's just being clingy towards me, but I like it!" She whisper again picking him up and bringing him to her arms. "Do you think I'd be a great mom?" She laid Ray's head on her chest and wrapped her arms around him. I smiled looking at them intently.

"You'd be a freaking great mom" I said and for the first time in a while, I caressed her cheek.


*Thanksgiving Day*

"The turkey is gonna be done in a bit!" Demi yelled as my mom and Ally's mom did the turkey. "Dani! You have to pick up people from the airport. So you and Evan are going. Evan is taking Dad's truck, OK?" I yelled an OK and stood up from Lauren's bed.

"Can I go with you? My parents are the ones your picking up" Lauren giggled.

"Of course. Just tell your little monkey to stay" I chuckled as Ray held on to Lauren's Leg. He pouted and held tighter. "Ray. I want to take you, but your not going to fit. Stay with Clarissa and wait for Val. She should be coming in a bit" he shook his head. I looked at Lauren for help.

"Babe, please. We'll be fast. When I come back I'm all yours?" He smiled and nodded running out the room.

"Seriously! What did you do to him to make him your baby and not mine?" She shrugged at with a smile. "Whatever, let's just go"

On our way to the airport, I found out that it wasn't just Lauren's family, but the rest of the girls family, my sister Dallas, who was away doing a beauty contest thing, and has been traveling, and Val's mom. I had to call Ricky to help.

"Thank you" I nervously told Ricky.

"I don't know what to tell you anymore" He raised a brow as he saw Lauren coming out of my truck. "I'm still pretty disappointed in you" I looked at my feet and sighed. "Your going to keep getting hurt!"

"Well what do you want me to do? I can't do it. I can't be mad at her. I still love her. I'm sorry Ricky. If you still want to be my best friend then great. If not, then" I shrugged. "But I'm still going to be with her. If you or Val or Demi like it or not" I said having enough of everyone's shit.

Demi and Val had went off on me yesterday when they found out Lauren and I were talking again. It went pretty bad that Ally had to call my parents to calm Demi down. She's super pissed at me, and I doubt she wants anything to do with me right now.

"Fine, but don't come crying to me" I glared at him before he walked off to talk to Evan.

"Everything OK?" I turned to see Lauren with a concern look. She took my hand resting her head on my shoulder.

"Yeah" I rested my head on top of hers and smiled.


Getting home, everyone was waiting outside to greet their families. It was quite nice seeing everyone smiling and happy than screaming and yelling at each other. Its nice.

"Are you gonna get off?" Dallas asked as she was getting down from the passenger seat.

"In a bit" I nodded. She shrugged and ran off to hug our parents, Demi, and Maddie who waited with the rest of the girls.

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