Chapter 18

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A week went by, and I still haven't heard anything from Zayn. Not a text or call. He won't even pick up my calls or text. He doesn't even look at my messages.

"Is Dani here?" I heard as I laid myself on the couch of the dressing room. I wiped my tears and sat up before the person could walk in.

Demi walked in and as soon as she was near me, I ran to her and hugged her tightly letting the tears fall once again. She hugged back just as tight. And walked us to the couch.

"What happened?" I pulled away. And told her everything trying not to miss a detail. "Wow" she whispered. "You had your first time, and you didn't fucking tell me?" She smiled. I looked at her seriously.

"Demi, your half way around the world. I can't just Text you, 'hey Dem. I'm feeling great. How are you? I had sex for the first time last night with my ex' that's not something I just tell you. Plus, I feel like a slut" I covered my face with my hands and sobbed.

"Why would you feel like a slut? Its not your fault you're still in live with her"

"I was with Zayn at the time, that's why. He was my boyfriend, and I had sex with Lauren!" I wailed.

"Was it good?" I looked at Demi in disbelief. "I'm sorry, but was it? Lauren looks like she's great in be-" I cut her off by smacking the side of her head with a throw pillow.

"Demi, stop please. If your just gonna talk about Laure-"

"I'm sorry, OK? Look Zayn noticed, I noticed, Ally noticed. You can't hide your feelings for her. Why did you guys break up anyways?"

"We fought to much" I shrugged.

"The truth" she said sternly. I sighed and laid back.

"We fought to much, like I said. But then one day, I decided to visit her on the first show of the tour, and found her kissing Brad" she scoffed, balling her fist.

"That bitch! When I get my hands on her I"

"Nothing. You're doing nothing. Lauren didn't mean to do it. Austin made her" I grabbed my sisters hands and rested them on her laps. She looked at me confused. "He liked me. But I of coursed didn't. He made Lauren kiss Brad so it looked like she was cheating." She nodded shaking her head.

"That little ass! Well, in my opinion, I think you should wait on relationships. Talk to Zayn, but wait. You can't be dealing with so much drama while your at work. You'll stress out, your blood sugar would go low, and you'll go to the hospital again." I nodded in agreement.

"Your right." I sighed. "I'll wait till I have a brake, and see if I can fly to London" Demi nodded and pulled me to hug her. "I love you, Dems" she nodded.

"I love you to munchkin." She giggled. "Can I ask you a question?" I nodded. "Why do we fight so much?" I laughed shrugging my shoulders.

"Cause we're sisters. Its what we do" She laughed bumbing my shoulder.

"True, but sometimes I'm tired of fighting" she rested her head on my shoulder and hugged me.

"Well, I am to." I kissed her head and snuggled closer to her. "So, the tour is not over, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I'm on break, and I wanted to see how you were doing on your first tour" She exclaimed excitedly. "How is it?" I was about to answer when Lauren walked into my dressing room.

"Hey babe, I'm about to leave. I mean Dani?" Lauren said stopping herself when she saw Demi. Demi raised a brow looking at me then back at Lauren, then back over to me.

"Babe?" I looked around to avoid eye contact with her. "She's on tour with you, while shes suppose to be in London for her tour?" I rubbed my temples sighing with a slight chuckle. "answer babe?" She teased.

"She only came to talk to me about Zayn. She stayed the night" Lauren smiled nervously at Demi and nodded. "Are you leaving already?" I asked Lauren.

"Uh, yeah. I'll see you when I get back?" I nodded. "Great" I felt awkward. "bye Demi" Demi laughed waving. Lauren looked around before leaving out the room. I sighed and shifted on the couch feeling sad that I didn't get to properly tell her bye.

"Go" I looked at Demi confusedly. "Go tell her bye" I squealed and hugged Demi before racing out of the room.

Lauren was already down the hall, when I tackled her to the floor. I laughed kissing her cheek and wrapping my arms tightly around her.

"Goodbye, Lolo. See you soon" She laughed standing back up taking me with her. She hugged me resting her lips on my forehead. She let them linger there for about a minute or two before resting her forehead on mine.

"Take your time." She whispered. "I'll hopefully see you soon." She cupped my cheeks and lightly kissed me. "I love you"

"I love you, too" I whispered. Even though I agreed with Demi on waiting on a relationship, I really wanted Lauren to know that I loved her too.

We pulled apart as Ricky made his way over to us. He took Lauren by the arm, and basically dragged her out of the arena. He had promised me and Lauren that he would drive her the airport, so I didn't have to worry about a taxi taking her.

"She left already?" Demi asked as I sat next to her on the couch and rested my legs on her lap.

"Yup. Ricky took her" she nodded rubbing my leg.

"Take a nap. I'll wake you when its time for you to go on stage" I smiled at my sister and nodded before getting comfortable.


A/n: thank you to my friend on kik, for sending me a bunch of pictures of Ariana with Red hair! I very much appreciate it. Also, how was your guys Halloween?

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