Chapter 25

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Lauren's POV-

Ally and I were currently eating lunch at a cafe. Demi was suppose to go, but do you honestly think she wants to go with someone who broke her sisters heart? I don't think so. I wouldn't want to go either.

"Its been like a week or two, right?" Ally asked. I raised a brow with confusion. "Since Dani left"

"Yup" I mumbled.

Talking about Dani has been a touchy subject since she left to Texas. She called sometime yesterday and told Demi she was gonna stay longer then expected. Demi told Ally and Ally told me.

"Well, I hope she's doing good" She whispered when she notice I was shifting in my seat, uncomfortably. "Anyways!" She chirped. "What's going on with you? Any parties lately?" I raised a brow again looking at her seriously.

"I went to one last night. Wasn't all that great" I mumbled. Ally is probably the only one I can talk to at the moment and surprisingly Dinah, so they know about the drinking and the partying.

"Why not. The music wasn't that great?" I nodded.

"No, it was. I just felt out of place for once" I shrugged. "Has Demi told you any news? About Dani?" I said hesitantly.

"Not really. Just that she was going to Ray's first basketball game. Then later out with some old friends" Ally shrugged taking a sip of her strawberry shake.

"That's great"

"Your still in love with her, aren't you?" I looked at Ally shaking my head viciously. "Oh come on Lair!'

"Ally, no. I just care about her. There's nothing wrong with caring for her" She shrugged with a smile lifting her arms.

"Whatever" she mumbled.


* A month Later. (Its November)

My eyes slowly opened to be met with darkness. I looked at my digital clock on the side of my bed and seen it was four in the morning. Why in the world I'm I up this early.

I sat up and removed my blankets from my body. The light breeze hit my bare legs and arms making me shiver as I made my way to the bathroom.

I looked at myself in the mirror feeling a weird sensation in my stomach. I lightly gazed my fingers along my stomach, lifting my tang top just a slight.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked myself. I stared at myself for at least five more minutes in the mirror, till I found myself hovering over the toilet. "What the hell?" I wiped my face and walked to get my phone from the bed.

"Do you know what time it is? Its Four in the morning. You and I should be sleeping!" Ally huffed. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know? Please, come to my room. Its urgent" She hummed before ending the call. A few seconds later, Ally's footsteps filled the house.

"What happened?"

"I'm throwing up. Do I have fever?" Ally's squinty eyes shot open. She rushed over and felt my forehead with the back of her hand. "Do I?"

"Just a bit. When the sun is fully up, we can go to a clinic, but let's just go you and I, OK?" I nodded. "Alright, now get back to-" I covered my mouth and rushed back to the bathroom. "Or, we can go to the emergency right now?" Ally said nervously as she rushed over to me and held up my hair.

"I think that's a great idea" I said before hurling again to the toilet.


Dani's POV-

"Can you stay for thanksgiving!?" Ray asked yelling throughout the house. We were just returning from the last basketball game of the season.

"I was actually thinking, why don't you guys go and have Thanksgiving there. It will be grate. I might bring Clarissa." I said to Ray and Evan.

"Clarissa, huh?" He said wiggling his eyebrows.

Clarissa was one of my closest friend on the softball team besides Val. We had also all the same classes when I went to school. We were pretty close. We got back in touch when the softball team wanted to have a small reunion. Sadly we did it without Val.

"Yeah, Clarissa?" I said confused. "Anyways, so yes or no?"

"Sure, I guess. You should stay until we leave then." He said giving me pleading eyes.

"Alrighty! I don't think Demi would mind. She did say I can take as long as I wanted" I smiled pulling Ray for a hug. He wrapped his arms around my neck and lightly peppered my cheeks with kisses. "Cutie"

"I am a cutie, aren't I?" He raised a brow which made me burst into a fit of giggles. This little boy has grown up so much.

"OK now Mr. Conceited" Evan Chuckled. "Let's get back to the car and get something to eat. What does everyone think about Chinese?"

"Yay!" Ray and I cheered. We threw back on our sweaters and headed to the car.


A/n: This chapter was a little shorter! I'm sorry guys. Anyways, what do you think will happen next chapter!!!???

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