Chapter 3

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"So, when are the girls coming?" Niall asked as he tried to rade my refrigerator. I groaned not even wanting to see the girls. But this is their house to, and they need their clothes. They're leaving sometime this week or next week to Londan and I'm happy. Demi is going on a world tour, and I'm happy. I'm just happy that I'll have a few days without them. Even if it didn't really mattered. They weren't here all the time.

Today the boys and Ricky decided to come over to keep me company. Well Harry, is coming over to see Camila. Which I really don't mind. That is his girlfriend, after all.

"I don't know" I shrugged. "Val said in like ten minutes. Normani said about the same time." Zayn walked over wrapping his arms around my shoulders. He rested his chin on my head and rocked me slowly side to side.

"Please, don't fight today" I sighed deeply. "I understand the girls, but not with your sister" I grabbed his hand, tightening my grip.

"Fine, until she apologizes" I looked up at him, and watched his golden like colored eyes roll with annoyance. I laughed standing up and taking the orange juice from Niall. "I'm kidding. Maybe just a little" zayn crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows with a serious look.

"Y'all to cute" I turned my head to see Ricky sticking his hand in a bag of chips. 

"Dani!!" We heard. I looked at Zayn who ran towards me. I did my best to run upstairs, but this fool won't let me.

"Zayn! Let go" I yelled. He tightened his grip when The girls entered the kitchen, so I don't run away. "Your an ass" I whispered. He smirked kissing my cheek, which I wiped off with my hands. "Nasty"

"Stop being a baby, and sit down. Please" he pouted and I smacked his arm. I hated when he pouted, or anybody. "Ello girls" I rolled my eyes and sat on the stool on the island. Normani walked in the kicthen with her boyfriend. Diggy and everyone else behind them.

Diggy is a great guy with Normani. I met him a few times already, even at our last show on the neon lights tour, and he seems really nice. I'm glad him and Mani are together. They're a nice couple.

"Its nice to see you again, Dani" Diggy said walking over to me. He shook my hand and I smiled. Diggy was also very, very polite.

"Its nice to see you to" I stood up and walked over to Zayn, who was talking to Camila and Harry. "I'm going upstairs" he nodded kissing the side of my head. I grabbed Ricky's hand so he could follow. Camila smirked and nodded at me. Don't know what her problem is.

As I'm going up the stairs, Val followed with her 'friend' so we can properly meet. I motioned them to my room, and closed the door behind. Before I can even sit on my bed, Camila barged in like it was her room we were invading.

"You and Zayn!?" She gasped loudly. Ricky bursted in laughter looking at my facial expression.

"What about me and Zayn?" This was way weird. This was the most I have talked to Mila, since we all went apart. I still do my best to keep up with Normani and Dinah, buts its rare, and of course no matter what I have to see Ally. She's married to my sister.

"Don't play dumb! You both are together!" She squealed. I looked at Val and her friend and rolled my eyes in disbelief.

"I was meaning to ask you the same thing. But with what happened with you and 'you know who' you hate talking about your relationships." It was true. Ever since Lauren, I hate talking about my relationships. Which there wasn't any to talk about. Maybe people I flirted with, but not any relationships. "But are you?" I shrugged. I looked at Ricky who gave me a look. He too wanted to know.

"Zayn and I are really close friends. But he hasn't asked." Val and Ricky nodded and Camila sighed with a pout.

"Well, you know, if Zayn doesn't work out, Lauren is always there" I glared at Camila. Even the mention of her name gives me goosebumps still. 

"Lauren and I are done. END OF STORY! She has her boy, and I'm fine the way I am, ALONE" I have been hearing people say I should give her another try or something. About it happens in every relationship, and you guys should just talk, but I can't and I'm not as much as I miss her.

"That's the thing. Lauren isn't dating that wacko! I don't even know why she choose him after you!? Him and his band mates, basically called her a slut! She's dating the wrong people just to forget about you!" I knew about what that Dumb ass little bitch from The Vamps did! I was so pissed, but couldn't do anything really about it. He was the reason Lauren and I are done.

"Karla, please. I don't want to fight about this right now" She rolled her eyes and sat on the floor. "Ok Now, Val, Present me" I said like the conversation I just had with Camila, never happened. Ricky gave Camila a side hug before they paid their attention to Val.

"Sure" Val said awkwardly. "Troian, this is my best friend/sister Dani. Dani, this is my girlfriend Troian" I smiled taking out my hand for her to shake. I had the biggest smile at how Val had presented me to her girlfriend. She considers me her sister, and so do I. "And this is Ricardo and Camila" Ricky glared at Val. He hated his full name. Val and him fight constantly, and sometimes I feel like its just to get in my skin.

"Its nice to Finally meet you Dan-" Camila stood up cutting Troian off.

"So it is over between Dinah and you?" I smacked my forehead and sighed at Camila.

"Camila, Dinah and I broke up along time ago. You were there. You were to busy with Harry to be listening to us" Val sounding like she couldn't believe what was happening. And yes, the girls kept in touch with Val, cause Dinah and her were still together after Lauren and I. But two months Later, that relationship went down the toilet.

"I'm sorry. I'm Camila" She introduced herself and then walked over to me. "Just because the tour finished, doesn't mean our friendship has to." I looked at a almost in tears Mila and I instantly wrapped her in my arms. She looked like a lost puppy looking for a owner. Ugh! Damn you Camila!

"And its not Mila. I'll try and talk as much as I can with you. OK?" She nodded wiping her tears away. "Good, now let's all go downstairs"

We went downstairs, to find everyone scattered around the movie room watching a horror film. I smiled as I peeked behind Val, and saw Zayn sitting on the lazy couch seat thing with my favorite candy, on his laps. He watched the movie intently as everyone else got scared.

"Hey" I whispered as I walked over to him. He smiled wide opening an arm, so I can sit. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders, and handed me my candy. "You're an ass sometimes. But I like the nice side to you" I giggled. He kissed my cheek and continued watching the movie.


A/n: For some reason today, I just locked myself in my room and cried. I haven't came out til now. It's like 10 at night. Life is pretty hard right now. Here's Chapter 3. Are you guys liking it so far? I would really like to see you comments. 

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