Chapter 9

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"Demi would you stop that! We have to go!" Yelled Ally from the bottom step of the stairs. Demi groaned like a three year old she is.

Demi and Ally fought again about who knows what this morning, and those two have been in the ugliest mood with each other and with everyone else.

"Where are you guys going?" I asked as I made myself a grilled cheese sandwich.

"Marriage counseling. Its the last one till I come back home, well till Demi comes back from her world tour. SO!!! WE HAVE TO GO!!" I fliched and looked at the small girl. How in the hell did that yell come from her.

"Damn it, Ally! I'm fucking going!" Demi stomped down the stairs and to the kitchen where Ally and I were. I sighed and grabbed my grilled cheese before I heard the yelling of the Saint side to Ally yell how we shouldn't curse and we should be on time to things.

"Listen Hansen! You been hogging the damn TV! Its my turn!" Val screamed trying to grab the remote from Dinah, but Dinah being the fast one, moved before Val could even tackle her.

"Listen Vales. One, I just got the remote five minutes ago. Two, stop screaming you lunatic. And three, don't you have to be somewhere else!" Dinah spat back. I huffed unplugging the television and walking by the theater room before I heard the girls scream at me.

"Harry! Please, those are just rumors!" I mentally face palmed myself and began to march when I heard Harry talk about what ever this rumor was to Camila.

"Well, I don't know Camila. I want to believe you, but you guys have been hanging out with each other a lot!" He sighed. "I don't know what to tell you? Are you and Selena together? Are you cheating on me?" I softly gasped and hid behind the door so no one saw me. This just got interesting.

"Of course not, Harry. I think of her as my sister, nothing more" Camila buried her face into her hands and let out a small cry. "If you don't want to believe me, then its fine. I just don't know how to prove to you that Selena and I have nothing going on." I pouted seeing Camila. I couldn't watch this anymore, so I made my way up the stairs.

Normani was gone. She was probably out with Diggy, who got her some concert tickets for some show tonight. So that left me one more option to go to.

"Hey, Lo? Mind if I come in?" She sat her laptop on her bed and waved me in. I slowly walked in and sat by her.

"What's up?" I shrugged.

"Everyone's fighting and I don't want to eat alone. I made you one" I smiled widely. She looked at the sandwich and took it.

"Thanks! Why is everyone fighting?" She gave me her laptop to pick a movie. "Hey! We're Netflixing and chilling" I snapped my head at her as she smirked.

"Ha ha, Lauren. You wish." I rolled my eyes. She nodded. "And I don't know, everyone seems in a bad mood with each other. How do you feel about watching 'The Babadook'?"

"What the hell is that" she laughed looking at the laptop screen.

"The description says, 'Sam's frequent tantrums turn sinister when a creepy children's book mysteriously appears in his room, and he asks his mother, 'Do you want to die?'" I looked at Lauren. "Let's watch it!" She groaned sticking the sandwich into her mouth.

"Are you nuts? I don't want to be scared to pick up a book. Let's watch something else? Like 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' Halloween is coming up!" I looked at the child in front of me with a serious face.

"Your a baby, you know that?" I huffed. "Fine, whatever. How about, 'The Night of the Living Dead'? It isn't scary, but it is the first zombie movie ever created?" I pouted.

"Why did you have to look at me like that!? You know your cute when you do that!" She exclaimed. I turned to face my plate and blushed. "Fine. We can watch it. On one condition!" I looked back at her and nodded. "You stay with me tonight?" I tilted my head to look at her. Why did she want me here tonight?

"Ok. I'll stay tonight" she smiled and sat next to me and continued eating her sandwich. "I guess I should play the movie, huh?"


"Shit!" I muttered under my breath as I seen the cute picture of Zayn and I pop up on my screen.

"What's up?" Lauren paused the movie, then looked at my phone with a slight pout. "Did you have something plan, with him?" I nodded. "Then you should go." She whispered. I shook my head.

"No, I made a promise to stay. So I'm staying" she gave me a perplexed look.

"No, I don't want him to say-"

"Lauren! Stop. I'm staying. End of discussion" I snapped unpausing the movie. I was actually having a good time with her. It brought back great memories.

"Dan, just go" she paused the movie.

"Why are you trying to get rid of me? You wanted me here, right?" I turned my body so I was facing her. She did the same closing her laptop.

"It was wrong of me to make you stay. You have to go." Was she serious right now. How could she ask me to stay, then practically throw me out.

"Why are you being like that, Lauren. You change your moods with me so fast, I don't know if you hate me or what?" I took her hand and inched my body closer to her, but the closer I got, the farther she went from me. She had also let go of my hand.

"I can't Dani. You have a boyfriend" I raised a brow.

"You cant what? I'm not going to cheat on Zayn, Lauren. But why would you care? You cheated on me, remember?" She looked at me hurt. "But your right. I should go" I stood up and grabbed the empty plate.

Before I was out the door, she grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me towards her so my body was leaning against hers. And before I can even protest to this, she was kissing. And I was kissing back.


A/n: was the chapter? What do you think will happen next?

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