Chapter 49

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"Say Isabel" Lauren was trying to teach Billi new things and it seemed to be going good.

Billi learned how to use the potty on her own and maybe two sentences, but she can't for the life of her say bottle. Baba sounds weird, but if she likes it, then I'll live with it.

"We leave tomorrow morning. Are you ready?" I asked Lauren as I sat by her on the couch. She rested her head on my shoulder and shook her head.

"No. This has been the best trip" she sighed. "Our first family trip was a success. It was perfect" I nodded and poked at Billi's belly.

"No" I laughed at Isabel. "No"

"And we'll have many more" I laughed as Isabel swatted my hand away.

"Isabel Marie Lovato-Jauregui? Did you just hit mommy?" Lauren gasped. I couldn't help but giggle at the use of Billi's full name.

Billi shook her head rapidly and stood up on the couch. She rested her hand on my shoulder for support and leaned in towards me to kiss my cheek.

"Kiss!" She exclaimed and clapped her hands together. I cupped her face and pulled her towards me to kiss her cheeks repeatedly. "Mom. No" she pushed me away and climbed onto Lauren's laps sitting down.

"She is exactly you" I said looking at Lauren intently. "Weirdos" I mumbled.

"Hey! But you like us weirdos!" Lauren yelled.

"No. I love you weirdos" I stated.

Billi stood up and cupped Lauren's cheek kissing her nose. She did the sane with me and tried her best to wrap her small arms around us.

"When she wants, she can be lovable"


"There's my baby!" Maddie exclaimed running towards Billi and twirling her around.

"Well hello to you to sister" she rolled her eyes and sat Billi down to hug me. She held me tightly before moving on to Lauren.

"There she is!" Demi smiled and pulled me into a hug. "How was the vacay?"

"It was perfect" I said softly. I pulled away and placed my hands on her shoulders. "More than perfect. It was the best thing I have ever done" Demi smiled pulling me in for another hug.

"Emi!" Billi exclaimed running towards her aunt. Demi smiled brightly and bent down to hug her.

"I missed you, my little munchkin! Ray misses his Billi" I pulled Lauren for a side hug and admired my sisters and Billi.

"Ray" Billi smiled.


"My babies" Ally yelled pulling both Lauren and I into her arms. She pulled us away and looked at us intently before kissing our cheeks repeatedly.

"Lani is Back!" I heard what seemed to be Camila. The girls ran down the stairs and tackled Lauren and I down to the ground. Luckily, Maddie was with Billi.

"Lolo! Dani!" Ray climbed on top of the girls and tried his best to kiss mine and Lauren's cheek.

I'm not sure what happened, but I think Billi thought the girls were hurting us, cause she kept yelling up and began to cry hysterically.

"Hey. Hey. Its ok. Were ok" Lauren stood up and pulled me up with her. She carried Billi into her arms and bounced her up and down gently.

"She's just tired. It was a long flight. I'll take her up to her room" I carefully took Billi from Lauren, and rested her head on my shoulder. "I'll be right back everyone"

I went up stairs and opened her room to see that it was the way we had left it. I took her favorite blanket out from underneath her pillow and wrappered her in it before laying her down. She instantly fell asleep. I took the baby monitor and jogged downstairs to be met with the girls.

"And the princess? Is she ok?" Ally asked.

"Yeah! She just went straight to sleep. She was pretty tired" I laughed and hugged Lauren from behind.

"So, how was your vacation?" Dinah asked with a bright smile.

"Incredible! The best thing Dani and I have ever done." Lauren looked at me lovingly which I returned before planting a sift kiss to her lips.

"It was definitely the best thing that has ever happed to us"

"Dani and I would love to say something. Do you want to tell them or me?" I debated to say anytging, but decided I should.

"Before you girls do. Can I say something?" Dinah stood up and headed for the door.

"Sure. Go ahead D" I couraged her considering how nervous she had seemed. She clasped her hand around the the door knob and looked at us.

"Well, yesterday someone came over" I raised a brow and looked at Lauren who shrugged.

"Well, who came over?" Normani said getting a bit to impatient.

"Whatever you guys do, don't freakout or get mad"

"Dinah. Just open the door" she sighed and swung the door open to reveal Val. Lauren gripped my hand and rested her forehead on my cheek.

"Don't do anything please" she whispered.

"Hi everyone" Val half smiled and walked in the house.

"Val? What a surprise." Ally stood up from Demi's lap and walked over to hug her. Then Normani followed and Camila closely behind. "How have you been?"

"I have been doing really great lately. Thanks for asking." I stared at Val intently with an eye brow raised.

"So, what do you want to tell us Dinah? That Val came?" Demi said.

"Yes and No. I, well us want to tell you girls that we worked everything out." I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"And that we also are, engaged" Val finally made eye contact with me.

"Congrats" I said sarcastically. I then stood up and went up the stairs. I believe Lauren followed me.

"Dan? Breathe" Lauren wrapped her hands behind my waist as I began to kick at out bed post.

"How can I breathe when my ex best friend is back. She said things Lauren that Im not going to forgive her for." I ran my fingers through my hair and held on to the edge of the bed as my knees felt weak.

"Dan, your overwhelming yourself." Lauren placed my arm around me and helped me out the room and to Billi's room so we can keep an eye on her. She sat me on the chair and pulled out a lollipop.

"You carry lollipops in your back pocket?" I laughed removing the wrapper.

"Well, when your wife has to have sugar every time she overwhelms herself, which is alot, it comes in handy" Lauren giggled and sat on my lap.

"I love you" I buried my face behind the back of her neck.

"And I love you to, Mrs. Lovato-Jauregui"


A/n: guys I'm soooo bored!! You should follow me on Snapchat!! @ its_perlita

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