Chapter 53

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"Yeah, another baby." Lauren smiled widely setting Billi back on the floor. "Wouldn't you want another?" I looked at Billi and Hani and sighed.

"I mean it would be great, but then Billi would forget about Hani" I mumbled.

"Yeah, but I want a baby for me" she pouted.

Of course I couldn't tell her no. Its not like I don't want another baby, I do. Believe me I do with the girls being pregnant and Hani just being two, I was having baby fever up the ass. I just feel it wouldn't be right with me smoking. Maybe I'll just stop, and tell her. No, I can't, she'll kill me. I just want do it anymore. I'll stop.

"OK then" I spoke. "We'll try and have a baby!" I cheered wrapping my arms firmly around her waist.

"Yay!" She belted cupping my cheeks and planting a rough peck on my lip.

That night, Lauren and I had a long conversation that didn't end how I wanted. We ended up fighting about who would carry the baby. I ended up sleeping on the couch.

The next morning I waited till the girls left and the bus came to pick up Ray and Billi to school, to talk to Lauren privately.

"Please open up" I begged knocking lightly on the door. She did as told and held the door open giving me a cold glare. "I'm sorry. Ok, I'll have the baby. I'm just really scared" I muttered. It was true. I was. Lauren soften her gaze taking my hand.

"Its going to be ok. You could have talked to me about it. I'm going to be there with you." She looked at me lovingly and I swear I felt my heart slowed down.

"I know you are. You're always there when I need you" I sighed as she laced her arms around my waist and pulled me towards her. "Its terrifying, but if you're gonna be there than, ok." My eyes began to water as she smiled brightly.


"What are you doing here?" Robert asked as I barged into his apartment.

"I'm here to give you the pill container back. I have to stop." He looked at me concerned but nodded. I digged into my pocket and pulled out the orange transparent cylinder. "Lauren wants to have another baby" I smiled softly.

"Congrats, buddy" he smiled and took the container. "You're a good person, Dani. Don't let anybody tell you other wise." I nodded before engulfing him into the tightest hug. "Just don't forget to visit" he whispered in a wobbly tone.

"You know I will. Be good" I whispered before pulling away from the hug and walking out of his apartment.


"We should ask Zayn!" Lauren said randomly as we drove to  pick up Hani from day care. Dinah and Val were, 'busy' today.

"Ask Zayn what?" I laughed taking glances at her as I parked the care in front of 'Kidz Color' daycare. 

"If he would, you know." She bumped my shoulder playfully. "Do this for us again." I raised my brow finally realizing what she's trying to say.

"You want me to ask Zayn if he would like to make us another child!?" I asked in disbelief. "Wouldn't that be weird though!? And we didn't plan it the first time!"

"Not exactly. Well, I don't know." She sighed. "But its worth a shot" she smiled.

"Fine...I guess I'll ask when I see him" I mumbled and stepped out of my car. Lauren did the same walking beside me as we walked into the day care together.

"Hi. We're here to pick Hani Hansen" Lauren told the girl on the other end of the counter.

"Of course. We just need ID" I smiled lightly and pulled out my wallet and handed the lady my ID. She smiled and looked at my ID card before grabbing her walkie talkie. "Can I have Hani Hansen to the front with his things, please. He's aunt is here for him" I smiled warmly at the word 'aunt' and looked at Lauren.

"What does it say?" Lauren asked in a shaky voice as we waited on the pregnancy test.

It had been two to three months of trying to have a baby. It was pretty difficult and I was fed up, but I wasn't going to stop till Lauren was happy. Having this baby was something she really wanted and lately, me too.

"I don't know." I replied nervously biting on my nails and sitting on the edge of the tub. "I'm scared" I whispered.

"I know" Lauren squatted in front of me and held my hand firmly. "I am to. Want me to look?" I nodded now nibbling on my bottom lip.

Lauren stood up and walked slowly over to the sink and picked up the test. She stared at it for what felt like an hour, but was only a minute. She smiled and looked at me.

At first I couldn't help but smile uncontrollably. We were going to have a baby. But, no. The test had came out negative and Lauren decided to just give up.

"Its ok." She sighed trying to smile. Her eyes had began to water. "I guess it was just not ment for us to have another" her voice began to crack and I couldn't help but silently cry as I stared at her. "I'm going to put Billi to bed" she whispered before she kissed my cheek and walked out of our restroom.

When Lauren left, I stayed in the restroom and cried to myself. I was actually getting really excited about extending our little family, but now it wasn't going to happen.

In the morning, I woke up and got Billi ready for school. She didn't fight with me this time about how early it was and how ridiculous the school was. She just sat up and just let me change her.

"Mommy?" She asked softly as I carried her to the kitchen to get her some cereal. I sat her down between Hani and Ray who had already began to eat.

"Yeah, baby?" I sniffed. I had cried myself to sleep, so my nose was still stuffy.

"Why are you sad?" Her voice quaked.

Demi who was preparing the kids lunch alongside with Dinah, stopped what they were doing to look at me.

"I'm not sad, baby." I giggled to play it off. "I'm just getting sick." I lied, but Billi knew better. She knew had to read people. One of her special talents as Normani says.

"I'm gonna make you feel better" she smiled, her little big green eyes sparkling as she spoke. "I'm going to make you something at school, ok?" I nodded and bend down to kiss her cheek. When she wanted to, she was the most loveable little girl.

"You know I love you, right?" She nodded before jumping up to wrap her small arms around me.

"I love you too, mommy" I kissed her cheek repeatedly before lightly patting her on the butt so she can sit.

"You ok?"Demi asked as I walked over to get a bowl for Isabel.

"Yeah. Just getting sick"


A/n: I just love Fall! My sweater, horror movies on TV, my favorite blanket, and the pumpkin patch I love going to every year with my siblings. What do you guys like about Fall?

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