Chapter 19

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A week after Demis visit, I finally got a four day break. But me being me, I was terrified to get on a plane to London on my own. I was terrified of seeing Zayn. I did honestly start falling for him. He was a great guy, nice, funny, adorable, artistic, big hearted, but my heart belonged to Lauren. Despite all of the fighting, I still loved her. But I did feel for Zayn. So for him to just break up with me and not tell me anything of it, hurt.

Demi is right though. I don't need to be stressing out about relationships or anything while I'm on my first tour. I wouldn't want to overwhelm myself, and have myself fainting on stage just like on the neon lights tour.

I breathed in deeply as Ricky and I finished with security at the airport. We walked through the terminal and I made sure that I was holding on to Ricky's arm.

After a thirteen hour flight, we had made it to England. I have never been here, so everything looked amazingly strange but beautiful. I decided to call Rob to see if the girls were doing anything, and if not, if he can pick us up.


"Dani!" I heard as Ricky and I walked into the girls hotel room.

I never thought I'd miss these girls so much, and to think that at one point in my life, I didn't care if I saw them or heard of them.

"Girls!" I yelled hugging each of the them.

When I got to Lauren, she immediately pulled me and didn't let go. She kept me in her arms as I talked to the girls. I decide to tell Lauren later about Me waiting on the relationship. I'm scared to see her reaction.

"Dani, can I talk to you?" Camila asked giving me a small smile.

"Sure" Lauren slowly released me from her hold. She took a good grip on my hand and stopped me from walking any further.

"Jauregui? I need to speak to her. She's my best friend to" I looked at Lauren who pouted, but then she let me go and watched as Camlia dragged me away.

"What's up Mila?" I asked sitting in a bed. She climbed up sitting herself next to me.

I think I spent at least thirty minutes with Mila. She talked non-stop about Selena. She asked me questions she thought I knew, and I of coursed answered to the best of my ability.

"What's all the questions for?" I asked. She sighed shifting on the bed. "Mila, you can tell me anything. Now come on." I said trying to convince her.

"Its just that, after the kiss, I was confused. I had a lot of thoughts running through my head, and I think I finally know what I want." I smiled. "But, she probably doesn't want anything to do with me. I basically told her I didn't want to be with her" she frowned making me frown with her. I scooted closer to her and wrapped my arms around her. "Do you think she'll give me another chance?"

"Selena has a big heart. She wouldn't just Forget about you or anything. Call her" she sighed.

"I did. She won't pick up." I handed her my phone and watched as she dialed Selena. "It's Camila. Wait! Please don't hang up" I stood up and motioned her that I was going with the girls.

"Red, can I talk to you" I smiled at Dinah and linked my arm to hers. We walked past the girls, and I noticed Lauren pouting. I smiled and gave her a small shrug.

"What's up DJ?" She smiled lightly before sitting on her bed.

"Remember how I told you I still loved Val." I nodded. "Well, Camila told me she came to see me the day we left. Do you think she loves me to?" She asked sounding hopeful.

"To be honest, I haven't really talked to her. She has been so busy filming that she practically lives in the studio. Do want me to ask?" She shrugged.

"I don't know. I'm just scared that she isn't" she mumbled.

"I doubt that. You were her everything. Her first official love. She can't get rid of what she feels for you that fast." Dinah nodded agreeing with me. That hopeful spark returning in her eyes. "I'll talk to her as soon as I get my phone back" I smiled at her before hugging her and telling her that we should get back to the girls.

"So, you're here to see Zayn?" Lauren raised a brow. I looked at Ricky and watch as he shook his head indicating he didn't say anything. "Dan?"

"Yeah" she sighed. "Look, I need to talk to him and you. What I'm going to tell him, I'm going to tell you as well" Ricky took that as his cue to leave. He slowly walked to the door taking Ally and Normani with him.

"Well then" she said when we were alone. "Tell me" she sat on the bed and crossed her legs. "Cause I definitely want to hear this" I don't know if she was trying to be an ass, or what.

"Well, I did some thinking" she stared deeply at me and I felt intimidated. "That I should just focus on the tour. I can't be stressed out about my personal life on tour. Plus, your on tour as well" I gulped hard and looked at my fingers. She didn't say anything. She remained quiet. "So, as much as I want to be with you, we...can't." My vision began to look blurry.

She didn't say anything. She just stood up, ran her fingers through her long brunette hair, and sighed walking out of the room. I went after her and grabbed her wrist.

"Please Lauren. Don't act-" she cut me off snatching her wrist away.

"How in the hell do you want me to act, Dani. If that's what you wanted, why would you lead me on! Why would you do that!" She yelled. I shrugged. "TELL ME!" she screamed.

"I don't know!" I yelled. I had started crying. I covered my face and felt Lauren aggressively grab both my wrist and pulled me towards her. "Lauren, your hurting me" I tugged my hands back so she can let go, but Lauren only held on to me tighter. "Please" I yelped.

"LAUREN! LET HER GO!" I heard Ricky. She released me and looked at Ricky confused. She then looked back at me. "What's your problem, Jauregui!" Ricky grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him. The girls had came out of their rooms to see what was all the commotion.

"Dani I-" Ricky stopped her.

"Stop. Just leave her alone. Come on Dan, we can stay at another hotel" I shook my head wiping my tears.

"Its fine. I think its best if I just go home" Ricky nodded before going into one of the girls room, and getting our suit case.


A/n: I was sad writing this :(

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