Chapter 61

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"What's up with all the girls?" Val laughed as we all surrounded Camila's hospital bed.

"Oh shut up, just cause you have a boy!" Ally laughed.

"So do you!" Dinah defended Val.

It was four something in the morning now, and Camila just had her baby. We had been here since 11 with just a little bit of sleep, but nobody seemed to care. We only cared about was, having another addition to our big family.

"So? What's her full name?" I asked as I looked over at Selena who kissed Camila's forehead.

"Kassidy Mae Cabello-Gomez" Camila smiled contently. "I'm beat! I need to eat and sleep for a few days." She sighed as we laughed.

"Little Kass" I smiled before kissing at her little nose.

"I like how all the kids have 'm' as the start of their middle name. You got: Ray, who is Martin, Isabel, who is Marie, Hani, who is Maurice, Alessa, who is Mel, and lastly Kassidy, who is Mae." Demi laughed.

"I like it!" Selena chirped. "Its like our thing. Like our Family thing. Soon, we'll have another 'm' joining the party. Right Dan?" I nodded rubbing at my tummy.

"Home sweet home!" Val yelled running up the stairs with little Hani running up right behind her.

"Hani better not fall, Valerie!" Dinah warned.

"Mommy! Can I go to my old room?" I nodded and watched Billi run up the stairs.

"This is still your house you know." Ally laughed. "Its still her room."

"I know." I chuckled softly. "She just thinks we moved to Texas forever." I walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water.

"Did you ever talk to Lauren?" Demi asked sitting next to me. I never really mentioned Lauren to Demi or anything of what happened the day I came to see her.

"Kind of. She just didn't listen." I lied grabbing the nearest fruit from the fruit bowl.

"Figures." Demi mumbled looking over at me. "Well, who needs Lauren when you have us." She smiled. "She or he won't have anything missing, cause we'll all be here for them." I smiled at my sister before I started crying.

"And I thank you so much for that." I wiped the tears with the back of my hand and stood up to hug my sister.

"Anytime" she whispered and began to play with my hair.

"Billi! We have to go!" I yelled as I prepared Billi's lunch for today.

"I'm going, mommy! Putting on my shoes!" I heard her yell back.

It had been a a week or so since I been home, and I haven't had a word from or about Lauren. I'm beginning to worry. I know I shouldn't, but it began to bother me.

"Mommy? Where's mom?" I stopped what I was doing I turned slowly to look at Billi. It was the first time she has mentioned Lauren.

"I don't know, babe." I sighed closing her back and helping her put it on.

"I miss her. When can I see her? Does she still love me?" I was taken back by her question.

"Of course she still loves you." I replied in disbelf. I sat on the floor and sat her down on my laps. "Mom is just going through a difficult time. She needs time for herself." I sighed kissing the little girls cheek. "She'll come visit you soon." Billi nodded at me and rested her head on my chest.


"I'll see you after school, OK?" I told Billi as we stood in front of her classroom.

"OK. Are you going to look for mom?" I nodded. "Promise?"

"Promise." I smiled kissing her cheek and pushing her lightly to the door.

At home I didn't do much but face time Dinah. We mostly talked about where in the hell Lauren could be and about how I was doing all alone with the pregnancy.

"So I didn't want to tell you this, but I talked to Taylor this morning. Turns out Lauren is doing way worse, then we thought." Dinah mumbled. I looked at her and raised a brow.

"What!? She's in Florida?" I heard Dinah hum as I looked around the room. "I need to go." I jumped out of bed going straight to my closet.

"No. You can't deal with that right now. You can't stress yourself out." She said in a panic.

"Dinah, I have to. Billi is worried about her mom, and even if I don't want to admit it, I'm worried about her to." I sighed.

"I understand that, Dan. I am to. We all are, but she hit you. She actually put her hands on you. You told her it was over. You're expecting a baby, for crying out loud." She exclaimed. I turned away from my closet and looked at my computer screen.

"I'm sorry Dinah, but I'm going. I just want her to be safe." I mumbled. "I just want to see her I guess, you know...before I really end it all." I croaked.

"But you already 'ended' it, Dani" Dinah sighed. "What about Billi? You can't leave her!" I ran my hands through my hair sitting back down on my bed.

"Of course I'm not going to leave her! I'm taking her. She wants to see Lauren."

"Fine. But I'm going! Val can take care of Hani by herself for a few days." A small smile crept on my face as I looked at my best friend. Well, all the girls were, I was just closest to her.

I waited patiently by Billi's classroom for the bell to ring. I walked up and down the hall thinking of what to say or do when I saw Lauren. I talked to Lauren's parents, and there really happy that we're coming. They think I'll be able to help their daughter, but I was doubting it.

"Mommy!" I turned around as I heard the small familiar voice. Billi ran to me, jumping right on my arm.

"Hi mamas!" I laughed as my lips rested on her cheek. "Come on. We have to go get ready."

"Why? Where are we going?" She asked tilted her head to the side in confusion.

"Aunt Dinah found Mom. We're going to go see her at Grandma Clara and Grandpa Mike's house. OK?" Her face lit up with joy. It broke my heart.

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