Chapter 2

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A couple days later, and today was the dinner. The whole family was here, Zayn and the boys, Val and her 'friend' and Ricky. Then some other people were supposed to come over. According to Demi, they should be here in a couple minutes.

"That's the door bell! I'll get it!" I yelled unwrapping Zayn's arm from around me. I opened the door to find Selena and Justin. "Selena!" I exclaimed. I jumped on top of her and wrapped myself around her.

Sel and I kept in touch after the tour, but we never really hung out in person anymore. Just texts here and there. Sometimes even tweets, to make the fans go crazy.

"Dani! I missed you" She giggled spinning me around. When we heard a cough, she placed me down and scratched her neck. "Dan, you remember Justin" I nodded taking out my hand.

Justin and Selena, have been in an off again on again relationship for a whole year. Yes, it bothers me to the max, because she deserves better. Justin rarely let's her do anything (one of the many reasons Sel and I can't hang in person).

"Its great to see you again, Justin" he shook my hand and pulled me into a hug, like he would to his guy friends, and that's the same way he greeted me when we first met. Did he forget I have boobs, and he's hurting them?

"Its great to see you to" he smiled. I nodded nervously turning away so I can rub my boob. If he hugs me like that more often, he'll probably squish my boobs to pancakes.

"Let's go inside!" They nodded and we went inside so they can get their seats in the dinning room.

The door bell rung again, and I groaned. Val patted my shoulder and said she'll get it.

Val and I still have great communication. Not that very often, considering she is on one of the top shows right now. But she says we're still best friends. Her 'friend' that she brought, is actually someone she's talking to, if you know what I mean, and is also one of her cast mates. I think Val told me, she plays a girl name Emily, and her friend plays this girl name Spencer.

Val decided to finally walk back into the kitchen, when my mom was getting the lasagna from the stove. She eyed me and motioned me to prepare myself.

As I did, in walked the five girls that I rarely talked to. Val and Dinah were far away as possible from each other, Camila kept smiling at Harry, Normani smiled at me, Ally walked over to Demi, and Lauren stood next to Normani as much as possible. She didn't even look up.

"Girls! Now we can eat" my mom exclaimed. I looked at Demi and glared at her. I walked over, pulled her away from Ally, and threw her to the garage.

"You invited them here!" I whispered/yelled. She rolled her eyes and pushed me lightly away.

"Mom begged, and I have every right to invite my wife. If this was our house, they have every right. Its their house to"

"I don't even think you guys are even married anymore. You guys constantly fight. You're going to marriage consoling for pette sake!" She glared at me and smacked my arm.

"I can't believe you just said that. You know Ally and I are doing our best to work things out. Unlike you and Lauren did" my blood began to boil with anger. Demi knew that I hated when she brings up my past relationship. It also made my sugar start dropping. It took all my energy. "Your getting pale, stop being a bitch, and let's get you some orange juice or candy." I finally got control of my hypoglycemia. I know when it will happen and things like that.

Lauren and I broke up for many reasons, and one of them being the main reason is, we just didn't have that spark anymore. Well, that's how I see it. That's how I want to see it. That's how it looked like. I forgot every emotion and feeling I had for, or I at least try to. I don't want to remember about finding Lauren with someone else, who was that little ass bitch from the vamps. That's when Lauren cheated for the first and last time. The other times wasn't really cheating. But it was like fate giving me a way out. We just fought to much before I ended things.

"I don't need your help. I'm leaving anyways." I stormed out and grabbed a regular coke from the fridge. "It was nice having you all here, but I have some things to do" My mom looked at Demi and knew we fought. We fight constantly now, but we make up pretty fast. The longest we'll go, is probably a week.

"I'll go with you?" Zayn shot up and grabbed his jacket.

"Only if you want to" he nodded and wrapped my jacket around me.


"You and Demi fought again?" He asked before he took a bite of his burger. We were currently at McDonald eating, since we didn't stay for dinner.

"When don't we. Me and Demi just separated after tour. We use to have a good relationship" I bit into my chicken sandwich, and silently moaned. Chicken sandwiches from McDonald's, are the best!

"You all separated" Zayn mumbled with food in his mouth. "I think we should lock you all in a room, until you make-up!" I laugh throwing him some fries.

"So you want me to 'make-up' with Lauren? Plus we wouldn't be alive after you open that door" He shook his head immediately making his eyes grow wide.
"Not like that, I mean 'make-up' as in friends." I raised a brow watching fans starting walking in watching us and taking out their phones.

"We should go. I don't feel like getting mob right now" Zayn half smiled before throwing the trash, and linking my arm with his. "How are you such a gentlemen one minute, but an ass the other?" He smirked shrugging his shoulders.

"Its only to you. I'm like that when I like someone" I have never ever heard Zayn say something like that since we became friends. So its kind of funny, but its cute. I'm blushing to hard right now.

"Let's just go" I smiled.


A/n: Here's Chapter 2!! Today wasn't that good of a day, but then I thought of uploading, and I got pretty happy. Your comments honestly make me laugh like crazy. And in all honesty, I miss Lani. But Dani and Zayn are pretty cute. I guess.

Vote and Comment for the next chapter!

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