Day 3: Gaming

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A/N Ok, so I actually know where I'm going with this! I think... Don't count on it.

Day 3: Gaming

Aphmau walked along Frontierland, Garroth by her side. Kawaii-Chan had a thing for sweets, and when she heard of something called 'Dole Whip' she insisted waiting in the five minute line for one. Garroth and Aphmau had decided to wander off a bit and explore. And of course Katelyn and Laurence let them; Garmau was their OTP after all.

Garroth spotted a shooting gallery and walked over to it, Aphmau following behind in curiosity.

"What's that?" She asked, tilting her head to the side as Garroth handed the man a dollar for 35 shots. A/N SHOTS ON THE GUN, PEOPLE!!! No one will be getting tipsy on my watch! Nor drunk!

"So you've never done this before?" Asked Garroth. Aphmau shook her head no.

"Well, I guess I'll have to teach you. Sit here, and hold the gun like this." Garroth said. Aphmau sat down, and Garroth leaned close to her.

"Now, you're going to put your hand on the trigger, and lift the switch." Garroth said. Aphmau nodded, doing as he said.

"Next, you look through that little eyepiece and point towards your target." He said, leaning closer to Aphmau. She did as told, pointing it at a small target that looked somewhat in the distance.

"Pull the trigger." Aphmau could feel Garroth's hot breath on her neck. She quickly pulled the trigger, and a small blast was heard. She had hit the target.

"Congrats! You just shot a target with a gun!" Garroth congratulated as Aphmau stood up, a allowing Garroth to sit down and try a few himself.

"How are you so good at this?" She asked as Garroth shot about five in a row.

"My old man showed me a few tricks back in the day. Our tradition-a gun isn't just for violence. It's for protection. And sometimes, food." He explained, shooting some more targets. Aphmau's eyes widened as she learned something new about Garroth.


Aphmau and Garroth walked along the boardwalk of California Advenureland. The others had gotten on a rollercoaster with a loop, but Aphmau and Garroth refused to get on. Aphmau was scared, and Garroth wanted to spend more time with her.

Aphmau spotted a bunch of Boardwalk games like a ring toss, a balloon pop, and many more. She grabbed Garroth's arm and pulled him to a game.

"Step right up! All you have to do is toss this ring onto one of the bottles, and you win a prize!" Cried the employee.

"I bet I can do this." Aphmau said, pulling out a dollar from her wallet.

"Nah, I think I could beat you first." Garroth countered back. Aphmau raised her eyebrow.

"Is that a challenge?" Asked Aphmau, pulling out another dollar.

"What do you think?" Asked Garroth. Aphmau smirked, handing the two dollar bills to the employee, who gladly accepted them and gave each of them two rings.

Aphmau threw her ring at a bottle, but it bounced off. Then, Garroth tried, throwing it towards a ring in the back. It missed, hitting the wall instead. Aphmau let him go again before her, and he hit a bottle, but it fell off. Then, Aphmau tried, and it landed on one perfectly.

"Ah! The little lady wins! Pick a prize!" Yelled the employee. Aphmau tapped her chin, and smirked when her eyes landed on a small Mickey Mouse plushies. She pointed at it, and the employee nodded in agreement, taking it and handing it to her.

"Alright Garroth. Looks like you lost!" Aphmau said, smiling. Garroth rolled his eyes.

"Fine. I lost. Now let's go meet up with the others." Garroth said.


Aphmau and Garroth sat side by side in a cart, their 3D glasses on and their small cannons at the ready. After the others got off the rollercoaster, they decided on getting on Toy Story Mania.

"You ready Garroth?" Asked Aphmau, smiling as she bumped him with her shoulder. He nodded.

"Yup." He said. The ride began, and they were off. As soon as they stopped in front of a screen, Aphmau and Garroth started pulling on the small ropes, shooting their cannons at the targets.

"Nice job!"

"Wow! You did great!"

"Look out for bonus targets!"

The encouragements from the characters were heard throughout the ride as Garroth and Aphmau continued the ride.

Finally, it was over and they were ready to see the scores.

"Tie!?" They cried in unison. Aphmau narrowed her eyes at Garroth.

"Rematch?" She asked as the ride returned to the loading station. Garroth smirked.

"Maybe next time. The others look like they just wanna go do something else." Garroth said, motioning at the others who were hurrying Aphmau and Garroth. Aphmau nodded, unstrapping her seatbelt and climbing off.

A/N ... What!?

The title says, Gaming, not Video Gaming.


My overall thoughts on the chapter?.... It sucked. I MUST INVOLVE MORE ROMANCE!

Ok, maybe that's where I'm going wrong! Not enough fluff!

You guys tell me what I'm doing wrong, please!

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