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A/N Hello! Ales currently has been going through a VERY rough time, and her writing device isn't working at the moment. So I will be the substitute author. My name is JAKWrites or Jadyn. I got inspired by another cinderella story, the disney movie. Ales would like that. Warning, this isn't exactly like the movie. Honestly I feel so honored that Ales trusted me enough to write this for her, regarding my writing skills. Plus I'm so happy to be writing for you guys! Some of my favorite authors read this book. Anyways, enjoy!


A/N Cadenza will be in this, even if she isn't exactly a main character. I needed a fashion obsessed person, so what better person than Cadenza!

Aphmau hesitantly put on her mask. She was incredibly nervous about attending this masquerade, since her horrible guardian wasn't letting her attend. She just had to clean, clean and clean more, but Aphmau had different plans. Along with her fashion obsessed friend, Cadenza, they got ready in secret. Aphmau HAD to get back by 12, because that's when her guardian comes back home.

Hopefully Ivy DOESN'T find out. Aphmau thought.

Ivy was Aphmau's evil guardian. She also had two daughters, Sasha and Michi.

They were all slobs and could never clean up after themselves.

They even made a fool of Aphmau, when the famous Garroth Ro'Meave came to dinner at their house.

You see, Aphmau's guardian was super rich.

Accept... Aphmau lived in a separate house. A little house, with only a bedroom. 

Life, well, basically sucked for her.

That was until, the night of the ball.

Aphmau walked into the ball, fashionably late. She placed her mask on her eyes, and kept walking, a bit nervous.

Well, very nervous.

The thing was, all eyes turned to her. Who was this dark haired, caramel color eyed girl in the purple dress?

Everyone admired her beauty the whole night. Accept Sasha and Michi. They were too busy looking at themselves.

Everyone wanted to dance with this amazing sight. Who would have the courage to ask her to dance, was the question.

Garroth Ro'Meave. That's who.

He walked up, very confident in himself.

"Would you like to dance?" He asked, very formally at that.

"Sure!" The mistress replied.

They danced the night away, laughing and eating.

Soon, before Aphmau knew it, the clock rang. It was twelve!

Aphmau ran out of the building, soon stopped by Garroth.

"I need to know your name!" He shouted.

"Well your gonna have to find out!" She yelled and ran more, until she was out of sight.

Garroth realized, he had been holding her iPod.

This is it... This is how I will find her.


Garroth was searching the school all around looking for the girl. Where was she?

He made everyone guess the music, but no one seemed to get it right. NO ONE.

This made Garroth very frustrated. When will he find this girl?

He looked everywhere, until Sasha and Michi had a plan.

"Okay, we need to steal this iPod. Then we can guess the songs correctly!" Sasha explained.

"Let's do it!" Michi agreed.

So that day, Michi stole the iPod while Garroth wasn't looking.

Garroth looked everywhere. Would he ever find her now?

The girls came running, and they started to list the songs in order. Their one mistake: they both said it.

Garroth knew better, and asked them to dance.

Of course, they failed miserably. This wasn't her.

So he went out to his car, aggravated.

Aphmau knew about this, and she wanted to tell him. She went out to his car, and confessed right there.

"I've had enough of it! I don't believe you OR your sisters!" He yelled.

He didn't believe her..

She ran away, tears brimming her eyes. Why?

She ran to her room and shut the door, to never be found again. Hopefully.

She didn't go to school. Who would ever love her? A ragged idiot. A ragged idiot who though he loved her.

The thing was, he found out it WAS her, And he was willing to do anything to get her back.

He ran to her, and he knew what he had to do. He had to tell her what she means.

He just blatantly told her "I know it's you! I'm so sorry and I really like you and-"

Aphmau cut him off by kissing him, it was deep and passionate.

Soon after, Aphmau turned 18, and she could finally go live on her own.

This is their life. Aphmau and Garroth. Forever.

A/N OKAY I know that kinda sucked, but I had major writers block for this. Hope you enjoyed it anyways!

Your guest author,


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