Side Story: Part 1

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A/N This is NOT a Garmau oneshot or Garmau story.

This is actually a small side story I will be posting from now on! It's how I met my BFFIWP (Best Friend Forever In Wattpad) JadynKrouseBooks!

It started in her comment section... And continued in private messaging... And we continued that series with many more! And they were so amazing I had to eventually show them to the world! So, here's the first chapter! 

Also, this is were my original OC Ales was created! Here we go!

Ales and Jadyn walked through the streets of L.A, talking, laughing...

... And fighting over who deserved Laurence~Senpai.

You see, the girls were Minecraft Diaries fans. They would do anything just to catch a glimpse of the MD world in real life.

Well, let's just stay that luck was on their side today.

As the girls wandered farther into LA, they got to Griffith Mountain, and went hiking. Soon enough, they got very far into the forest. It was only then that Jadyn started to wonder where they were.

"Uh Ales--?"

"And that's why I think Laurence should be with me." Ales interrupted. Jadyn shook Ales by the shoulders, snapping her out of her daze.

"Look." Jadyn said, motioning to the sky. It was purple, and white dots dotted the sky.

"It's ok... we'll just go home." Ales assured, turning around. She gulped.

"Uh... Which way is home again?" Ales asked, spinning in circles.

"I don't know..." Jadyn mumbled, trying to retrace her steps.

Suddenly, a blast of white flashed behind them, causing the two to wheel around. A purple structure was behind them, with a white warp formed in the middle.

A portal.

"Uh, Ales?" Jadyn asked, turning to Ales. She shrugged, and a thought came into her mind.

Push her in... Push her in...

"Oh Jadyn!" Ales sang, walking towards Jadyn. She lifted an eyebrow.

"Ales--?" It was too late, for Ales already had her hands in front of her and had pushed Jadyn in.

"SENPAI IS MINE!" Aphmau yelled, dancing around.

Then, a pain of guilt passed through Ales' heart as Jadyn's scream was heard throughout the forest. Ales sighed angrily, running up to the portal.

"Alright I'm coming too!" Ales cried, jumping in. She screamed as her vision went completely white.


Jadyn fluttered her eyes open and looked around. The sun was shining and the skies were blue, not a cloud in vision.

"What happened...?" Ales' groan was heard behind Jadyn. She frowned.

"Why did you push me in?" Asked Jadyn.

"Because you're competition for Senpai!" Ales cried, knowing it was a stupid reason. Jadyn got up, dusting herself off.

"Alright then... But where are we?" Asked Jadyn. Ales looked up and saw a familiar woman in a light purple dress and a flower headband. She got up and walked towards her.

"Let's ask this familiar looking lady for help!" Ales yelled, running to her.

"That's oddly specific." Jadyn mumbled under her breath as she followed after Ales.

Ales stopped in front of the woman and taped her shoulder for attention. The woman turned around and smiled a kind smile, her caramel eyes shining with amusement.

I swear she looks so familiar...

"Hi! I'm Ales, and this is Jadyn! And we jumped through a portal here! Because... We have no idea why to be honest. Anyways, can you help us?" Asked Ales. The woman smiled.

"Sure! I'll just lead you through the village. Oh by the way, welcome to Phoenix Drop." She said.

Phoenix Drop-- HOLY MOLY


Jadyn quickly noticed who it was and slapped her hand over Ales' mouth.

"Uh, alright! We just need a place to stay though, no need to show us around." Jadyn assured. The woman smiled.

"Ok. Follow me!" The woman said. Then, she blushed a bit. "Oh I almost forgot. I'm the lord of this village. Lord Aphmau." She said.

The two girls followed her, Ales still freaking out and Jadyn's hand still over her mouth. They got to a small home and Aphmau left them to settle in.

"... OK WE CAN FREAK OUT NOW!" Ales yelled as Jadyn let her hand go from Ales' mouth.


"WAIT! If there's an Aphmau, then does that mean there's a Garroth and a Dante and a—" Ales let out a gasp.

"Oh brother..." Jadyn said, realizing what Ales was talking about.

"THERES A LAURENCE HERE TOO!" Ales cried, jumping up and down.

"I know." Jadyn groaned. Ales frowned.

"Ok, you know what? We are not going to find Laurence~Senpai right now. We are going to make the Garmau ship sail, so no hearts are needlessly broken. You know, asides from Laurmau hearts... BUT HERE I GO! TIME TO FIND GARROTH!" Ales yelled, running out the door.

"Oh my—ALES!" Jadyn yelled, running after her.

Ales ran through the village, seeing as she already knew her way around, and ran towards the tall guards tower. She smirked and climbed up the ladder. Then, Ales saw an armored man with sandy blonde hair, facing the ocean view. She smirked and ran up to him, tackling him to the ground.

"What the—!?"

"I'm so sorry, my friend is a bit insane." Jadyn gasped as she entered the room. Ales frowned, but got off Garroth and turned to speak with him.

"Sorry! Just wanted to help you confess your feelings before Zane comes and—" Once again, Jadyn's hand was over Ales' mouth to prevent her from saying anything she would regret.

"What she meant to say was... We know you have a crush!" Jadyn simplified.


Garmau One Shots(Garroth x Aphmau)Where stories live. Discover now