She's Back

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Aphmau paced the room nervously, her wedding dress trailing behind her. The purple and white fabric complimented her dark brown hair which had been pinned  up. She wasn't nervous about the way she looked though. 

"Katelyn, what if Garroth secretly hates me?!"

"Aphmau..." Katelyn, her maid of honor, rolled her eyes. "Why would he ask to marry you if he secretly hates you?"

"I don't know!" Aphmau cried. "I'm not Garroth! You know how is, always the gentleman... Maybe he didn't want to hurt my feelings."

"You're acting crazy. There's no way he would do that to you." Katelyn said. "Remember, he's the one who asked you on the date five years ago."

Aphmau sighed, plopping on her chair. "Yeah... But still! Maybe he's cheating on me—You know, I saw him talking to Azura yesterday—"

"About wedding preparations!" Katelyn snapped, crossing her arms. Aphmau gulped and looked away while Katekyn took in a deep breath. "Look, if I can't calm you down, who will?"

"Pre-wedding jitters?"

A stout woman with a blonde bob and a long yellow and orange dress walked into the room. 

"M-Ms. Cline!?" Aphmau cried, sitting up immediately. 

Her English teacher walked towards her and cupped her face in her hands. "Look how beautiful you are! And it's only been five years."

"Ms. Cline what are you doing here? Not that I don't mind, but..."

"Your fiancée invited me." Ms. Cline explained. 

"He did?" Aphmau asked confused. "But why?"

"He said it was because he owed me a favor all those years ago when I helped him gain the courage to ask you on your first date."

Aphmau's eyes widened. "That was you?!"

"Yes, it was." Ms. Cline nodded, smirking. "Don't act so surprised."

"I-I-I'm not, I-I j-just—"

"Oh stop it, you sound like him." Ms. Cline said. "Now, what seems to be the trouble?"

"Miss Dilusions here thinks Garroth hates her." Katelyn said, looking at Aphmau disapprovingly.

Ms. Cline burst out laughing, taking deep breaths when she finished. "Hates you? That's absurd!" Ms. Cline said while still laughing.

"But I—"

"You see Katie," Ms. Cline explained, referring to Katelyn in her nickname only she could call her by. "This is why I hate that hour before the ceremony. It gives the fiancées time to create elaborate stories in their minds of how the other could hate them."

"Is that what happened to you?" Asked Aphmau.

"Oh no, dear. I'm single for life." Ms. Cline explained, smiling. "But I know many people who had that happen to them... One of them was your current loved one."

"What do you mean?"

"I just came from that room!" Ms. Cline said. "He was worse then you!"


"Yes, and you know what I told him?" Ms. Cline asked. Aphmau shook her head, but leaned in as if it was a secret.

"I told him... To get a grip and marry the girl!" Ms. Cline said loudly and sternly. Katekyn stifled a laugh, but Aphmau bit her lip as Ms. Cline continued to explain.

"Your first wedding is only going to happen once in you life. Don't waste it on things like panic and worrying. Waste it on thoughts like what your life will be like, and how much you're going to love each other." She said.

"So get a grip, and marry him."


Yes I know, it was short, SORRY. To be honest, I missed Ms. Cline, so I brought her back! Alright guys, see you soon! 

Also, TheCometChasers have posted a brand new story called Fairytales are Complicated and I recommend you go check it out! 

Also, I'm pretty close to 500 followers! Yay! But anyways, thanks for staying with me this entire time. It's almost been a year, only three more months to go! 

Love you all, and bye! 

Garmau One Shots(Garroth x Aphmau)Where stories live. Discover now