Dan x Phil Part 1

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A/N I love this ship! GO PHAN IT IS THE OTP FOR LIFE! Well, for Sam... Anyways, this is dedicated to Sam, my BFF IRL!

Please don't judge if it's horrible. This is my first same-sex ship, and it's my only same-sex ship, so I've never written something like this.

3rd POV

It was a normal day. Well, as normal as a book signing at The Grove in L.A could be. Hundreds of girls stood in line, waiting to get their The Amazing Book is Not in Fire book signed by the famous YouTubers who wrote it.

Dan and Phil stood in the Employees Only room, fixing each other's fringes.

"Good luck out there, Dan." Phil said, smiling. Dan rolled his eyes.

"Phil, we're signing books for fangirls, not enrolling in battle." Dan said. They shared a look before Dan looked down.

"Actually now that I say it out loud, both are equally dangerous." Dan sighed. Phil chuckled, shaking his head, causing his hair to shake as well.

"Ready?" Asked Phil. Dan smirked, nodding.

"As I'll ever be." He responded, before giving their security guards the go signal.

Not too far from Barnes & Nobles, a woman was getting ready to take his own life. She didn't want to do it himself, though. The woman had vowed never to take her own life at her own hands. So, how does one get someone else to kill them?

By doing something stupid if course. Either that or taking the life of someone important.

The woman had heard about these YouTubers, and decided that if she were to hurt at least one of them, their security guards would have no choice but to kill her.

So as the woman entered Barnes & Nobles, she clutched his knife tightly behind his sweater.

Dan smiled at his last fan for the hour. He and Phil would take a break for fifteen minutes, and go back to signing more books.

"They are nice people, aren't they?" Asked Phil, spotting a group of crying girls from the corner of his eye. Dan nodded.

"Yeah. Too bad some of them didn't get told about the book signing in time..." Dan trailed off. Phil sighed.

"Well, our security is getting us something to eat. What do you want?" Asked Phil. Dan thought for a second before smiling and answering.

"Starbucks." He said. Phil rolled his eyes.

"Of course you'd ask for that." Phil said. "I'm not sure why I asked."

"Well, what are you having?" Dan asked. Phil looked at the floor, ashamed of his answer.

"Starbucks." Phil mumbled. Dan grinned, bumping his elbow into Phil. He blushed slightly,before walking to the security guards with their requests.

As Phil did that, Dan let his thoughts wander.

Was I too harsh? Maybe I shouldn't have been sarcastic. After all, I don't want him to hate me, since I––

Dan shook the thoughts out of his mind, knowing wear they would be going if he didn't. Phil turned around, giving an awkward wave as he waited for the security to come back with their food. As Dan turned and grabbed a book off a stray shelf, Phil let his thoughts wander his own mind as well.

He's so cute when he doesn't think about it. A simple grabbing of a book can be adorable when he does it. Well to be honest, I think anything he does is cute since I––

Phil pinched his arm, wincing at the pain. He was not allowed to think of Dan this way, and he often had to stop himself by pinching his arm. 

Besides, Dan would never feel the same.

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