Demons & Angels

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A/N This will be a fairly long and important Authors Note, so sit tight.

This is my version of Demons and Angels. I don't exactly know what it is, so... I made my own version of it! Sorry if that's not it at all, but it's MY version, so deal with it.

Basically, I also took the storyline from a musical, and put my own demon and angel touch on it! JadynKrouseBooks knows which one, but... She might not like this series because she doesn't like that musical. And she will not say... Hopefully.

Anyways, see if YOU can guess which musical I took the plot from! I will reveal which one it was at the end, along with all the songs, but this means that this Demons and Angels series will be fairly long. Remember President Aphmau? It might be longer then that.

BUT ON THE BRIGHT SIDE, IT MEANS THAT THERE WILL BE MORE SONG FICS, which I know you all liked. Only change is I might change up the lyrics so it fits in the storyline. So, I hope you enjoy it!

Without further ado, DEMONS AND ANGELS!

     Demons. They're very rare. Only a few pop up every hundred miles. They're dangerous, and mysterious creatures that lurk in the dark. If you see one... run, and pray it doesn't find you. Because if it does, you will die a gruesome death. 

     They lure humans to their death many times, and they terrorize villages. Often, they will keep to themselves, but of course, they have to eat every once in a while, and they prefer the souls of humans. Demons don't have to eat human souls, but it's like a sweet. It's nice to have every once in a while.

     At the age of seven, demons are sent off into the wilderness on their own. They must learn to survive, not only against the terrified humans, but the angels.

     Angels are their own species as well. They're soul purpose is to battle against the demons, hunt them down, and rid of every last one. They live in utopia like kingdoms, always happy with one another and naive to everything except for their mission to destroy the demons.

     One day, a specific 4 year old angel happened to be wandering in the forest alone, when a demon caught her. She picked her up, and inspected her.

     "Hmm... A future angel? How pretty you are. But why are you out here all alone...? Ah, I see." The demon said, smirking. The little angel was terrified, never having been introduced to a demon before. As the demon continued to see why the angel wasn't hurting her, the angel quickly sprouted her wings. The wings burned across the demon's skin, and she shrieked in pain.

     "OW! You don't deserve those wings! You deserve to be one of us!" The demon shrieked in anger, lifting her hands and casting a curse upon the angel. The sun began to set, and the angel looked up into the sky, being afraid of the dark. The demon smiled.

     "Afraid, are you? You should be." She snarled, beginning to cast the curse.

That curse was remembered by the child for the rest of her life.

     When the sun rises, a beautiful angel shall appear, raidiant and bright. But when the sun sets, a demon shall come forth, showing the true form of the angel. This shall go on, until she finds true love, and takes its true form.

     The angel was then cast away from her kingdom for the next three years, until her parents had had enough. They locked her in a tower, and assigned a Jury of the Nine guard to make sure no one hurt her. Her true love would have to battle against the guard to get to the angel.

That angel's name was Aphmau.

     A demon, at the age of seven, was sent off by his parents into the wilderness. The stories his parents often told him of the big, bright, beautiful world not accepting him scared him. As the demon continued to walk through the forest, he kept his parents' words in mind.

It's important that you find a dark, hidden corner.

A place no one would ever dare to tread.

     The demon anxiously kept on walking, until he saw a small light.

A village?

     He continued on his trek, and stopped at the village. He smiled eagerly, looking around at all the humans. Then, he spoke up.

     "Hello everyone!"

     The humans turned to look at him, and it took about five seconds for terror to commence.


     "RUN, HIDE, PRAY!"


     The demon was afraid at everyone's rash actions. Maybe it was the way his sandy blonde hair had a strand of black, or the way his blue eyes were decorated with a black store that connected his pupil to the white of his eye, but it mattered not. At that moment, the demon wished for something else.

He wished to be normal.

     "There he is! Get him!"

     The demon gasped, looking up and seeing the familiar white feathers. The ones that burned his father right across the cheek once.

     He ran. The demon did not want to be hurt by the pure creatures, so he ran as fast as he could. A pain indulged into his shoulder, and he shrieked in pain. But the demon simply kept on running, until he saw his escape in a trail, hidden by the trees. He jumped inside, and hid against the trees while the angels kept running. The demon sighed of relief, and stood up. He kept along the trail, until it led him to a cleared out space. It was a big space, and it was dark. The demon smiled, knowing this would be his new home.

And the demon's name was Garroth.

A/N So that's it for now! Sorry if there was too much explaining and not enough dialogue, but I'm trying to explain how it works. Anyways, that's it for now! Some of you might've guessed the musical, and some of you may be very confused. I will not be telling you if it's right or not yet, so go ahead and keep guessing! Next chapters will have plenty more dialogue, promise!

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