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A/N Hey guys! I just came up with this idea now, so don't judge if it's horrible.

Garroth quickly climbed out of his car, camera in hand. He walked out into the forest and looked around, trying to find his topic of the week. Being a photojournalist had its pros and cons.

Pros: Garroth could have a peaceful and quiet five hours to himself as he took the pictures.

Cons: Garroth was lonely.

He walked deeper into the forest, his surroundings quieting down, and the sun getting crowded by the trees. The snow that had fallen earlier that morning made a crushing noise underneath his boots, and the white made a beautiful blanket above the grass. Finally, he found it. 

A reindeer.

His antlers were large and beautiful, his fur was brown and white, and he was currently eating a patch of grass.

Garroth took this as his chance, kneeling down quietly and taking a picture. His camera quietly snapped the picture of the reindeer. The snow made the environment even more beautiful, making the reindeer stand out.

Suddenly, the reindeer's head snapped up, and he seemed frightened. A woman came out from the trees, her hand out in front of her.

"Sh, it's ok Sven... It's just me." She whispered. The reindeer seemed to be relieved, and he walked up to her, eating whatever was in her hand. 

Then, the woman pulled out a camera, walked backwards a bit, and took even closed pictures then Garroth did. He started to note her appearance.

She had black, ebony hair that fell over her shoulders, and caramel eyes that complimented her amber skin. She wore a purple beanie, and a purple jacket, with white sneakers. She also had black jeans.

Garroth stood up slowly, and walked quietly to the woman. On his way, he stepped on a twig, causing Sven to run away. The woman frowned, looking down and sitting on a log. She placed her head in her hands, and seemed to be crying.

Garroth immediately felt bad. It was his fault after all. So, he walked to the woman.

"Uh... Sorry...?" He said. The woman looked up, her face wet with tears.

"Oh, h-hello." She said, wiping her face with her hands. Garroth sat next to her, not knowing what to say.

"It's ok... I was just taking a picture for my job. If I don't turn in a good winter picture for the magazine Mine, then I'll get f-f-fired." She said, stuttering from the cold. Her teeth chattered, and her lips were turning purple. Garroth noticed she was wearing a thin jacket, and her hands had no mittens, or a scarf around her neck. She was also only wearing sneakers.

"Are you ok? You seem like you're gonna freeze to death." Garroth said. The woman shook her had.

"N-No I'm not." She said. Garroth raised an eyebrow, and the woman sighed.

"Alright. I d-don't have m-money for any w-w-winter clothing. That's why I c-can't get fired, or it w-won't be good." The woman said. Garroth looked down.

"What's your name?" He asked. She looked up at him.

"A-Aphmau. You?" She asked. 

"Garroth." He said. Then, he pulled his sweater off and handed it to her.

"Here. You need it more then I do." Garroth said, putting the sweater over her shoulders. Aphmau smiled slightly, thanking him. Then, Garroth pulled his camera out.

"And you can go ahead and take these pictures if you'd like." He said, giving her his camera. She widened her eyes.

"These... They're so much better then mine! Wait... You're offering me your pictures? Don't you need these?" Aphmau asked. Garroth shook his head.

"It's alright. I'm good. I'll just take a picture of something else." He said. 

"But how will I get your camera back to you?" She asked. Garroth smirked.

"We could meet up here again on Friday at 8." He said. Aphmau narrowed her eyes.

"Are you asking me on a date?" She asked. Garroth shrugged.

"Depends. Are you saying yes?" He asked. Aphmau smiled.

"Sure. You're cute." She said, standing up and walking away. Before disapearing, though, she turned and looked at Garroth.

"Thanks again." And she walked away.

A/N Ok, this was cute. 

Garmau One Shots(Garroth x Aphmau)Where stories live. Discover now