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A/N I decided to do another Disney related one, so here you go!

Aphmau was doing what she normally did, and pretended to be an explorer. Being nine had its pros, including being able to play pretend without being judged.

"Adventure is out there!" She yelled, running into the abandoned house on her street. Aphmau liked to pretend the house was her own blimp, in which she could take her own adventures and travel to different places.

Of course, she longed for a friend who had her same interests in adventure. Aphmau knew she was different.

She just never knew she wasn't alone

Garroth was running home from watching a movie in the park with a balloon in his hand. He like it, because it was of his role model, the explorer, Zane Ro'Meave. It was too bad, Zane had just been accused of faking a species of animal for fame, and now he had been removed of his explorer name.

Anywho, Garroth had started to pretend he was flying his own blimp, over the Grand Canyon(a crack in the road) Mount Everest(a rock on the grass) and around a tree stump.

Garroth often felt lonely. No one ever took him seriously about wanting to be an explorer, not even his own parents. But, the pros about being eight were that your parents weren't on your back about your career until you were older.

As Garroth 'flew' past the abandoned house on his street, he could've sworn he heard a girl yell Zane Ro'Meave's catchphrase.

"Adventure is out there!"

Garroth stopped pretending and looked up at the abandoned house, hearing things like,

"Look, it's Paradise Falls!"

"Oh no! Look, fellow dogs, there's a lion hot on our trail!"

A/N If you guys think it's weird this attracted him inside, pretend you were walking by an abandoned house, and you heard things like, KILL ZANE, THE KILLER OF GARRMAU!!! Or, LAURENCE, YOURE RUINING GARMAU, JUST KISS KATELYN ALREADY!!!

Garroth, slowly and cautiously, walked into the house. He looked around. The sun was peeking through the wooden boards that were hammered up against the windows. Leaves had blown into the house from the holes in the ceiling.

"Who are you!?" Garroth yelled out in shock.

A girl about his age stood in front of him, and with his fear it seemed like she was towering over him, frowning with her hands on her hips. A/N SASSY LAWYER APHMAU!!!

"Are you gonna answer me?! Who are you?!" She cried. Garroth could feel the sweat beads start to drip down his forehead as he gulped, trying to say something, anything.

"Only the toughest, bravest, adventurous, and the best explorers can be in the club! Is that you!?" Yelled the girl.

Garroth nodded frantically, afraid the girl might hurt him if he didn't. Besides, he did want to be an explorer. It didn't hurt to be honest.

"Ok, then. I'm Aphmau!" The girl said, smiling as she held out her hand. Garroth nervously shook her hand. He took this time to examine this 'Aphmau' closely.

She had long, dark brown hair that reached a bit longer past her shoulders, and amber eyes. She had brown skin that matched well with her purple t-shirt and blue overalls.

"What's your name?" Asked Aphmau, tilting her head.

Garroth had never shaken so much in his entire life.

"Huh. Ya don't talk much, do ya?" Asked Aphmau. Garroth stayed silent.

"Come on, I think I know where your balloon went!" She cried, grabbing Garroth's hand and pulling him up the crooked stairs.


"There it is! All you gotta do is go an' get it!" Aphmau said, smiling at the boy who wouldn't talk.

The boy had his mouth hung open as he saw his balloon on the other side of the room... The problem was, there was no floor. Only beams.

Aphmau stared at the boy in wonder as he carefully stepped on the beam, like a tightrope man on a tightrope. His sandy blonde hair carefully touched the tops of his eyelashes, that covered his bluest of eyes.

Then, with a crash, the beam fell, unable to support the boy's weight. He screamed as he landed on the floor, groaning in pain. Aphmau winced as he made contact with the ground.

"Ooo... That's gonna hurt." She whispered. Then, she lifted her eyes a bit and saw the balloon before an ambulance siren drowned out the thoughts in her mind.


Garroth lay in his bed, reading a book, when something hit his head. He looked up, and saw the balloon from the day before, tied up with a twig.

"HI!!" Garroth again yelled out in surprise as Aphmau climbed through his window, a grin on her face.

A bit later, the two had constructed a tent with Garroth's blankets, and Aphmau was showing him something important.

"See this? It's my Adventure Book!" She said, pulling out a book she had carried with her to the house. On the title, the words, My Adventure Book were written in messy letters.

"And this right here is Zane Ro'Meave, the greatest explorer in the world!" Cried Aphmau, turning the page to a picture of Zane Ro'Meave. Garroth awed in when he saw the familiar face.

"You know him? Well, I'd expect you to. Anyone in my Adventure club has to know Zane Ro'Meave." Said Aphmau. Then, she turned to a page of a forest with the sun peeking out, and sighed, placing her chin on her hand.

"This is Phoenix Drop. I've always wanted to go, but I don't think I'll be able to." Aphmau said.

Then, an idea popped into her brain.

"Hey... Maybe you can take me!" She cried. Garroth blinked.

"You have to promise you'll take me to Phoenix Drop one day! Cross your heart! Cross it!" Aphmau warned. Garroth got that same, terrified feeling in the house that if he didn't do as she said, she would hurt him. So, he obeyed and crossed his heart.

"Good. You crossed, now you can't turn back on your promise." Explained Aphmau, a smirk tugged on the corner of her lips.

"Well, I better get home now. Bye!" She yelled, climbing out of the window. Then, before she left, Aphmau turned and smiled at Garroth.

"You really should talk more. I would like to get to know you better." Said Aphmau, disappearing and leaving a thinking Garroth to his thoughts.

Garmau One Shots(Garroth x Aphmau)Where stories live. Discover now