Day 30: Doing Something Hot

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Also, I can't believe it's the last day! But don't worry, the oneshots will not end! I will be writing more oneshots and Disney based oneshots still! I actually have one that will be posted as soon as this is over.

Day 30: Doing Something Hot

Aphmau handed Garroth a Dole Whip, and as he took it from her she began to devour her own. At Disneyland, the current temperature was 90 degrees, and they were looking for a way to cool off.

"Ugh, it's so hot." Aphmau complained. Garroth smiled.

"Could be worse. It could be freezing cold." He reminded her. Aphmau sighed.

"I'd rather it was cold then hot, though." Aphmau said. Garroth nodded in agreement.

"... So what do you want to do?" He asked. She tapped her chin in thought.

"Something that will cool us off. Splash Mountain is too full, and all the buildings with A/C are packed." She thought aloud. 

"How about we get on the canoes? We haven't done that, and Dante got on once. He says you get really wet." Garroth said. Aphmau smiled.

"Cool. We'll do that... As soon as I finish this amazing pineapple heaven." She decided, once again biting into her golden snack.

^-^(15 MINUTES LATER)^-^

"Five minute wait? What's with that?" Aphmau pointed at the sign as the two walked into the line. Davy Crockett Canoes was empty, except for the few adults and children waiting in line to board a canoe.

"Maybe people are too busy trying other rides? You wouldn't even know this one existed, it's so hidden in all these boats and stands." Garroth pointed out. Aphmau sighed, nodding.

A girl with platinum blonde hair and blue eyes came into view, pulling her small canoe into the dock.

"Hi everyone! I'm Zoey, and I'll be your teacher today. Come on in, make sure your life vests fit and that you have a properly measured oar." The lady chirped.

Garroth and Aphmau grabbed red life vests and were each handed an oar. They climbed into the canoe, along with the ten other people. Zoey quickly climbed onto the canoe, took her place at the front, and pushed the canoe forwards.

"Ok, now we are going to start rowing! So, place your oar into the water, like this. If you're on the left, place it to the left. If you're on the right, place it to the right." She said, holding her oar up for the riders to see. Then, she stuck the oar into the water. Everybody followed her actions, causing Zoey to smile.

"Great! Next, you're going to pull your oar through the water, and when you get all the way back, you're going to take your oar out, put it in again, and pull again. Then you'll be rowing the canoe!" Zoey chimed, showing the riders what to do. Aphmau did as told, and realized that everytime she pulled, the water on her oar was pushed backwards towards the rider behind her... Which was Garroth.

"Hey!" He yelled. Aphmau cringed.

"S-Sorry!" She cried. Garroth smirked at her actions.

"It's fine. It's not hot anymore." He called back. 

"Oh, ok!" Aphmau said, repeating her actions. Garroth got a splash of water landing on his shirt.

"You guys are lucky! It's hot today, so this canoe ride will benefit you." Zoey said to all the riders. Aphmau and Garroth kept rowing, and Aphmau got splashed by the rider in front of her. She laughed as the water cooled her off from the hot sun.

"Ok guys! So far we've been rowing through the Rivers of America, but now we're about to row in front of all the park guests! Ready? Make sure to do your best!" Zoey said, rowing.

By now, all the riders on the canoe had sore arms and were almost soaking wet. Aphmau and Garroth enjoyed it though. They continued to row.

"Good work guys! We are bout to pass by Splash Mountain's drop center, and when that next log comes down I want you all to yell out your favorite part of this canoe trip!" Zoey yelled.

Once the log came down however, everybody simply groaned.

"Aw, come on guys! Surely you had fun, right?" Zoey asked. Everybody laughed, causing Zoey to grin.

"See? You're laughing! That's a start." She said. The canoe was then docked, and everybody climbed off.

"I don't know about you Garroth, but I liked that ride." Aphmau said. Garroth rolled his eyes, pulling her towards him. He then placed an arm around her shoulder.

"Yeah, it was cool." He said. Aphmau smirked.

"Haha, very funny. I'm the Pun Queen Garroth. Always remember that." She reminded him. Garroth rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, I know. But what does that make me?" He asked. Aphmau smiled.

"The Stutter King." She teased. Garroth's face went red.

"I-I don't s-s-stutter th-that much..." He managed to say. Aphmau giggled.

"Yeah you do." She said.

The two walked through New Orleans Square, and bumped into Travis and Lucinda, whom were soaking wet.

"Hey guys—! Woah. What did you two do?" Asked Aphmau, pointing at their wet clothing. 

"Just got off Splash Mountain. Did you two get on too?" Lucinda asked, motioning at the soaking couple.

"Nope! We got on Davy Crockett's Canoes!" Garroth chimed.



Haha, I just made that up now. But seriously, how does she come up with puns in the blink of an eye?

Well, anyways, that's a good note to end on! I'm going to post a small non-Disney oneshot in a bit, and you can read that too! Anyways, BYE!

Garmau One Shots(Garroth x Aphmau)Where stories live. Discover now