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|Issaiah Love|

Sunday morning was here which meant church. I needed a word from the man up above. I needed signs that would lead me in the right path because lately I felt so confused about everything.

We all crowded into the third pew in the middle with our Bibles in hand ready for service to start. My phone chimed.

Mega: I'm outside parked by you, come here.- sent 9:50 a.m.

Coming love.- sent 9:50 a.m.

I notified my daddy that I was going to get Mega from outside. Once he gave me permission to get him, I scurried out the pew and out the doors of the church. A big smile was placed on my face knowing that my best friend was attending a service without me forcing him to. Omega was somewhat of a free spirit, though he grew up in the church. I guess growing up in the church pushes some away to experience different aspects of life.

I traveled through the large parking lot in search of him. Them, I should say. Foreign stood tall in True Religion jeans, a shirt that had red female lips on it, and some Jordans. He looked nice and smelled even better. I was quick to hug Mega. This time I didn't hold my hand out, I didn't feel like being declined. I gave a small smile but he didn't return it. Foreign kept his head down and his eyes on his phone.

"I'm happy that you finally came to church."

"Thought I'd bring this nigga-"

"Omega!"Both of them sucked their teeth like I was being overdramatic.

"I thought I'd bring this heathen boy to a service since he's never been."

"Well I'm sure you'll like it Foreign, Pastor Hughes knows how to put words into perspective so not just the seasoned adults are the only ones that understand the message."He stared blankly at me before returning his eyes back to his phone. I mouthed an 'ok' before focusing my attention on Mega."Come on, service is about to start."I turned around walking ahead of them and leading them to our seats. All three of us returned just as the choir began to sing.

"Lord if I find favor on your eyes."They started singing For your glory. We all stood to our feet lifting our hands up, bellowing out the song.

"I want to be where you are."I sung lightly moving from side to side. After a while, the song died down and one of the missionaries came up to pray.

"Lord, I want to be where...you are....."A few more songs came and went after the invocation before it was time to do tithes and offering. We all stood except for Foreign, he stayed seated and in my way. I tried to get around him as best as I could, but it only resulted in me falling in his lap. His loose hand rubbed on my butt and down my thigh as a sly smirk played on his face. My heartbeat raced, pumping at 100 mph.

"I thought about it and we're good the way we were before."Before I knew it, his face became a scowl and within seconds, he pushed me off him. All of my family saw it. My face flushed as I rushed to go around and come back to my seat. What am I doing to this boy that has him acting this way towards me?

Pastor Hughes came up and started his sermon.

"Don't start smelling yourself, you just may stink."Pastor Hughes spoke into the microphone. His eyes roamed around the church to make sure we all heard him.

"Sho' 'nough."Came from the back.

"Its cool to be successful. You have everything in order, you're a role mode. Paying tithes every paycheck. But don't think for a minute you got there by yourself."


"Just as the good Lord gives, he can surely and will take it away."

"Preach pastor."He continued to talk, but I zoned out. I know you're not supposed to let someone stop you from praising, but I just couldn't do it. How can I just sit here and pretend like nothing happened? I was violated. This dude acted bipolar for a minute. Why would you do that to a person that you know you don't like and can't tolerate?

When everyone stood up, I knew it was time to go. I held my hands up and waited for them to finish the doxology. After saying Amen for the last time, I walked slowly behind everyone as we huddled around my parents car. My daddy had pulled Foreign to the side and even though he was a changed man, he wasn't afraid to go to jail over any of his kids. I watched as their faces changed to different expressions. Omega came over to me trying to apologize for his cousin actions.

"He's a grown man Mega, he knew what he was doing. That was disrespectful."

"All I'm saying is jail changes people."

"I understand, but this is the real world and he needs to get used to being here or he'll find himself back in there. I'm one to brush things off, but if he acts like that to others they may go about things differently."

"Please try to ignore him Sai."I rolled my eyes.

"I'm done, this was strike three. We don't have to be friends, but he will respect me and what he just did in there was uncalled for."

"Do you want me to go get him to apologize to you?"

"It won't mean a thing, as long we keep our distance and I don't have to see him after this I'm good."
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