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Sorry that it's taken me a while to update, I've been sick. My sister gave me her cold, but I'm back and I'm better. I'm now in school and I work six days a week so these updates may get out later than anticipated. I apologize in advance.

Much Love~Lex

|Issaiah Love|

Ever since Foreign and I made it official I've been overjoyed with pure happiness. Everything is running so smoothly with us and I couldn't ask for anything better.  We are more affectionate towards one another, but we haven't taken it to the next level yet. Nothing really feels that different because we were always around each other, but I did start to open up a little bit more.

Right now, I'm in my room on FaceTime with Foreign. I want to do something with him today and I think going to the gym will be a good idea since we both love to work out.

"So you don't want to go with me?"

"I do. I just don't feel like doing shit right now."

"Come on! We're suppose to be couple goals you know."

"Nah I don't know. When have we ever been couple goals?" He scrunches his face up in displeasure. It wasn't even that deep.

"People are rooting for you and I to last as long as possible. Especially since they saw us go through the struggles of getting where we are currently."

"What people?"

"Rome, Mega, Merci, King, Wes, Lynx, my sister, V-"

"You told your family about us?"

"No, I only told my sister and her boyfriend."

"Why Issaiah? I thought we decided to keep our relationship low key."

"We are. My sister is my go to, and she's not going to say anything."

"You should've let me know."

"Like you let me know about Lynx knowing?" He straight faces me and I give him the bird.

"Girl shut up, Lynx knew since day one."

"But she still knows though."

"Fine but if your sister lets shit slip, that's your ass."

"She won't."

"She better not."

"You act like you're going to do something."

"Don't act like I won't."

"Yeah mhm."

"Don't act like I won't fuck your ass up." He gives me that look and I melt a little. Something that I once couldn't stand was now something that I love about him.

"Foreign your threats don't mean shit to me."

"But my promises do though, right?"

"Eh." I shrug my shoulders to get a rise out of him. In the past they didn't mean anything, but now I trust my man.


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