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|Issaiah Love|

"What the fuck bro, where have you been?"Merci asked as soon as I stepped foot behind the bar. It had been a while since I'd seen her last. Because I had let my brothers and my daddy know about Amir, they wanted me to miss a few days of work. That and I was also spending time with Foreign. Merci was pissed at me and Omega was pissed. I got where they were coming from, because let one of them do that to me and it would have been hell to pay.

"I'm sorry, the boys had me stuck in the house for a while. I let them know about Amir."

"What happened with Amir, I thought his crazy ass was in jail?"

"Someway, somehow he got out."


"Probably a crooked ass cop."

"You sure you should be here then?"I fanned her away grabbing the apron from the hook and tying it around my waist.

"If the boys let me out I'm taking advantage of it."

"I hear that, but I'm worried about you, boo."

"My pooh, I'm fine, I just have to make sure I watch my surroundings. Girl, they trying to get me a bodyguard."

"Let them, hell. I don't need to come into work and find out my friend done got snatched up."

"Girl, let me tell you what this psychotic ass creep did."

"What did he do?"

"So you know how I had my date with Foreign and everything right?"

"Yeah, and you have to tell me about that. Bitch you've left me in the dark for so long. Said fuck me and put me back on the shelf."

"Can I tell you what happened or are we going to keep on talking about how I forgot about you?"

"Sorry damn, continue."

"Thank you. So, Foreign's driving down the road on the way to the restaurant that we're about to eat at and I see this black car that had been trailing us for a while, plus they were really close up on us. I let Foreign know, his nonchalant ass gonna say don't worry about it. So we come back to your apartment building so I can get my car, and sitting in it getting everything set up for my drive home. The door opens and I'm thinking it's Foreign, so I flirt with him a little. Little did I know Amir's crazy ass is sitting in my passenger seat."

"That's who was sin the car?"

"Girl, yes. So anyway, he's saying how he's going to get me back and how I'm still his girl. Then he proceeds to pull his pants down and tried to force me to give him head. If Foreign didn't come in when he did, girl."

"I can't believe he did that to you."

"I should've just left him alone."

"You poor thing."

"Hopefully they caught him, because I cannot have him stressing me out like this."

"Don't worry about him tonight, security is always packed in here so you're good."I gave her a hug just for being so supportive.

"Alright, who's next."This woman came up with a few other girls behind her. She stared at me making me a little uncomfortable.

"Can I get six tequila shots please?"

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