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I was talking with my sister the other day and she thinks that instead of carrying out this book to 100+ chapters I should start a sequel. Tell me what you guys think. Should I keep this book going or start a sequel?

Also some on y'all think y'all slick with just reading this book and not commenting. I need feedback, tell me what you think. Give me your opinions, even if it's an emoji. Part of the reason that I don't update is because I want y'all to follow the guidelines that I have set. I have had this ready to go since I put up the last update and I have two others ready and or in progress. Give me feedback so I can post them because I know you want to see them.

Much Love~Lex

|Issaiah Love|

Raising black kids in this country is twice as hard as raising white kids in this country. Being a black woman trying to help raise a black man in this country is four times as hard. You can never properly prepare these kids in all aspects of life in where they will be discriminated against and ridiculed because of the color of their skin. Fighting and praying for them is all you can do and sometimes even that isn't enough to keep them safe.

"Lord give me the strength to properly assess this situation that you have placed before me. I know there is a lesson to be taught today and a reason why you are guiding me to this school to pick up Josiah. Guide me and let me see this situation from your viewpoint. Please replace my diction with yours so I don't offend anyone. Lord please help me right now, Amen."

All I could think about Josiah's having been put in the sentence about bullying. Chris and Zanah taught him better so I knew for a fact that he wasn't bullying anyone. For him to be bullied is surprising because he made friends wherever he went. He gets along with everyone. Who would really go out of their way to bother him?

Merci and I walk into the school ready to get Josiah and never come back to this school. I keep a leveled head and compose myself the best that I can.

"Good morning, I'm here to pick up Josiah Franklin."

" Yes ma'am, I'll need to see some ID and please sign the clipboard."Going in my wallet, I pull out my ID and pass it to her while I write my name, relation to Josiah, and who I was picking up.

"You said Josiah Franklin?"

"Correct."She makes a face like she's not trying to hand my nephew off to me.

"Before we release him into your care, Principal Waters would like to speak to you about the bullying situation that I'm sure you're aware of."

"I'm just his aunt, his parents will give you guys a call to schedule a meeting."

"While I understand that ma'am, it is our policy that a situation like this gets told to each party on the day of the accident to their guardian. In the past we have had students sent home with notes in their agendas and it rarely gets showed to their parents."

"How long is this going to take?"

"Five minutes tops, Mr. Waters just wants to make sure that you are aware of every incident that happens with your child and that it is documented that it was discussed."

"Sure, I guess I have time."

"Thank you ma'am, I'll go let him know and see if he's ready for you."She walks away leaving the two of us standing there looking at each other trying to figure out what we were about to walk into.

"Zanah didn't tell me that I had to talk to his principal."

"She probably just thought you could pick him up and they'd call to schedule a meeting or something."

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