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Before I began I just want to say shoutout to @-hermosa for her comments, like you're really hyping me up. I love you. You're the GOAT the real MVP. Thank you so much. You guys need to be more like her with the feedback.

Also, I know you guys are probably wondering how to pronounce Issaiah's name. It is pronounced [E-sigh-uh] It's just a name I thought would be cute and different and if you can't tell, I got the name idea from the name Isaiah. Same spelling almost just another letter added.

Updates will be on Saturdays. It is easier for me to work on it throughout the week and then post on the weekend since my schedule is so busy.

Anyway, let me let you guys get into this chapter because I know you all have been waiting for it.


Foreign Megalos

My hands continued to connect with the punching bag as I released all my pinned up anger on it. Being in jail didn't do much for me but allowed me to focus on the bitch who put me in the place. My ass was a victim of some "he said she said" shit. I tried to be captain save a hoe and got my ass fucked over. I swear you can't be nice to people these days for shit. They will fuck you over every time and all you were trying to do was extend a helping hand. Should've extended my dick and said fuck her.

"Calm down nigga, you acting like it's those niggas that tried to take yo booty."

"Fuck you nigga."

"You're not my type."I shook my head. Wes was always trying to clown a nigga. But he was right, I did need to calm down. My mother thinks I need a therapist or some shit to deal with my false conviction. Talking about getting closure. I didn't need closure, I needed that bitch to come and face me like a real woman. Admit that she was wrong. It's not like they can pretend I wasn't in jail. The shit already happened, but let her tell the truth.

I took a seat on a bench off to the side to regain my breath. I was going hard on that motherfucker and with my sickle cell, there wasn't any telling when it would start acting up.

"Man, I've just been having a lot on my mind."

"Like what?"

"Being released, this job, fucking Lynx and dating."

"Lyn is dating?"

"Trying to, pops said it was cool but she has too much going on in her life and these high school niggas not good for her."

"Damn, I remember when she used to have a crush on me. Now she's almost grown."

"For real, she has to start thinking about what college she wants to go to. It's crazy man."

"Make sure she remembers me on her come up."I slapped hands with him agreeing. My sister was go to make something of herself. Hell she might me the first female president."What about work, you not feeling it?"

"Hell no, I'm trying to be cleaning up after sadity ass niggas who feel like they better than me because I'm cleaning up their shit while they're in class learning quantum physics and how to cure cancer. Plus that damn girl there and I don't feel like running into her every day."

"Let me take your spot, I'd stalk the girl all damn day."

"You play too much."

"Females love a funny nigga."

"Until you upset they ass because you make everything a joke when they're pissed."

"Aren't you supposed to have a P.O. or some shit?"

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