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I'm not into Halloween but I'm pretty sure a lot of you are, so here's your treat. Enjoy and remember to check your candy, folks be tripping. Stay safe you guys.

You guys already know that Foreign and Issaiah have been going back and forth for a minute. Fuck it, a whole hour. So you know what, I'm going to have some shit pop off because they're getting on my nerves with this back and forth shit. This chapter is about to be lit.💡BTE Gang Gang Gang✌🏾👌🏾 FNGS Gang Gang🖕🏾

Much Love~Lex

|Issaiah Love|

"Sai, are you really going to just trick-or-treat with your niece and nephew?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You're going to miss out on the Halloween party."

"What Halloween party?"This was the first time that I had seen or talked to Merci since what happened. As soon as she got word that I had been released from the hospital she was quick to try and meet up. I was really appreciative of her being here with me right now. She wasn't trying to show me pity but just make sure that I was easing back into my same routine and getting back to how it was before everything happened. She was definitely a real friend. But with real friends came unspoken obligations. One obligation that she was trying to hold me to was Halloween. I wasn't a big fan of Halloween but free candy was free candy.

"The one Foreign and Lyric are having."I rolled my eyes getting annoyed at the sound of their names. Why would I want to go to anything that had something to do with them?

"Your point is?"

"Come on Sai, you have to get out of this house. Get some fresh air, see something other than the inside of these four walls."

"Merciana, don't you think that I would love to do that? Don't think that I hate being like this? Come on now, you know I wouldn't be cooped up in this house if it wasn't for what happened to me. You don't have a nigga trying to harm you."

"I know Issaiah, I know. But just think about how much fun we could have if we go."

"No, you're thinking about how much fun you could have if we went. I don't want to see Foreign and Lyric sucking faces and being all up on each other."

"And I'll make sure that you won't."

"Why are you trying to go to their Halloween party anyway, who invited you?"

"Some girl from work."

"What kind of friend are you to try and go to this knowing damn well that I don't fuck with them like that?"

"I'm just going for the free food, the niggas, and the alcohol."

"I have that here. I mean, you can't flirt with my brothers but you can eat good and get a little tipsy. Nah scratch that, all you can do is eat good."She sucked her teeth and gave me a face as if I just tried her.

"Please, please, please? I really want to go."

"You can go, I just won't be there."

"No you have to go."

"No, I don't."


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