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Heads up, this was not thoroughly edited for mistakes. It's been too long since I updated so I rushed to put this out for you guys. I know how y'all be feigning for updates, going through withdrawals when it's been to long. It's a little boring but the next few chapters are going to be lit. I got something in store for y'all.

Much love~Lex

|Issaiah Love|

I walked out of church feeling like the pastor was speaking right to me. He talked about letting the past go and accepting different changes in your life. Positive changes. A change was definitely what I needed in my life right now. Change from all of this crap that's been going on. I needed a break, a redo or something.

Foreign was coming around and I appreciated him for finally trying to be friends. If it wasn't for him, I'd probably be more depressed than I was before. Don't get me wrong, Merci and Omega will always keep me sane, but they aren't the change that I need. With Foreign, I'm stepping out of my shell and doing things that I would've never done. It's refreshing to have someone like that.

"Come on Sai, I have to drop you off then go pick up Heaven."

"I'm coming."I said my goodbyes to a few church members before walking to my car and getting in on the passenger side. I buckled up and prayed for traveling mercy. Benji was a reckless driver. He always seemed to go way over the speed limit and slam on brakes at the last minute. Thank God he hasn't damaged my car yet."Do you mind stopping by the grocery store, I need to get something to cook?"

"Yeah, I'll take you."

"Thank you."My phone buzzed in my pocket for what seemed like the third time today. An unknown number ran across my screen and the only person I could think of was Amir.

"He's still messing with you?"

"I thought you guys handled it. Benjamin, I cannot take this."

"I understand Issaiah, but you said that you didn't want his blood on our hands so we have to do it without us getting into trouble."

"How much longer is it going to take?"

"I don't know."

"You guys tell me not to worry about it, but you're not giving me much of reassurance. Look, I don't care what you do anymore. As long as I don't have to hear his name or see his face again, do what y'all have to."

"You sure about this?"I looked at him searching his eyes.


"Aight, no backing out."

"I won't."Benji pulled up to an empty space and parked. It wasn't going to take me long. Probably just get lasagna and breadsticks and call it a night.

Getting out the car, I walked in and went straight to the cold isle with my buggy. I was hungry so whatever looked good, I was going to get. I opened up the door and grabbed two bags of peeled and deveined medium sized shrimp. I walked down a little further and grabbed my lasagna and breadsticks.

I walked throughout the store getting fruit, chips, and candy. Everything looked good to me and I'm pretty sure by the time I got home, I wouldn't want any of it.

Laughing to myself, I walked to last isle to get some juice. While walking, I ran into someone's cart because I was too busy looking a the chip isle.

"I am so sorry, are you ok?"

"It's cool."I bent down grabbing some of the items that fell out the person's hands.

"Here you go."Finally looking at the person, I saw that it was Lyric. It had been awhile since I'd lashed out on her. I felt bad for acting rude towards her when she didn't even do anything to deserve it. I was in my feelings at the time pissed at Foreign for treating me like a bitch on the streets knowing good and damn well he had feelings for me.

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