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Sorry it took me so long, but thanks for the support.

|Issaiah Love|

His hands slid down her cheek ever so gently as if showing her how much she truly meant to him. She smiled up comfortable and completely in awe. Her eyes went from low to huge in mere seconds. Her small lips parted but nothing came out. She was choked with fear. No, choked by him. His giant hand clasped around her neck clutching tight like a kid to their parents on the first day of kindergarten.

She looked in his eyes hoping the person she admired would still be there. It was too late. His eyes were glazed over and the only thing he saw was red. That "doughnut" powder he inserted into his nasal passage had taken over and there was no stopping him. Just like him, her innocence was gone all thanks to the man that she loved more than anyone.

The first man to break her heart before any other could.

I woke up covered in sweat feeling drained. Another dream I was unable to figure out. I so badly wanted to cry because this was so frustrating to me. But I didn't, I sucked it up and pushed it to the back of my mind.

Trying to forget it all, I grabbed my secret case of blunts and my Bic lighter to go out on my balcony to lose some brain cells and gain some closeness to the sky.

I lifted the blunt to my plump lips, taking a hit from it, killing myself a little. My head leaned back in relaxation releasing the smoke into the air. The drug was taking me on this ultimate high that I so desperately craved for. Butterflies swarmed through my stomach. In a good way though. A smile formed on my lips as I became spaced out. It was as if I was in my own little paradise, away from everything that was a nuisance to me. I saw why drugs were such a priority to many people. It gave them a high, no one and nothing else could. I took another hit, losing some of my womanly etiquette. Who would've thought that there'd be a substance so good as this?

There was a loud pound on my door scaring me.

"Yeah!"I yelled to them hoping that whoever was on the other side of the door would stay there.

"Dad wants me to use your car and take you to school while my car is in the shop."

"Ok, let me get ready."

"You got forty-five minutes."I rolled my eyes.


I crushed the remains and went to take a shower to sober myself up a little. All clothes were released from my body as I stepped into the steaming shower. I lathered myself in lavender body wash making sure to get myself extra clean so the smell could come off. Lord knows my daddy didn't need to know that I was smoking weed. That would just be another reason for him to keep me in therapy. After that, I washed my hair, rinsing the shampoo out and then washing it again before I stepped out and dried off. I dropped the towel and walked to my dresser to pull out my purple panties and bra set. I slipped them on with my shorts and a tank top with my Pink jacket before placing my shoes on. I grabbed my bag ready to leave.

Saga was already in the car when I got there, sitting in the driver's seat. I got in sitting in the passenger's seat sparing an argument between us.

"I got to pick up one of my boys before I drop you off."

"Saga, no. Your friends are way too inappropriate. Can't you just wait until you drop me off?"

"Sai, you don't even know who this person is."

"I don't care, I know how your friends are."

"Man whatever, you can walk to school then."

"This is my car, you can walk."

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