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Foreign Megalos

The last thing I wanted to do was mess up my relationship with Lyric because of my relationship with Issaiah, but that's exactly what I did. In the mist of us arguing, we kissed. On top of that Wes saw us and I know his snitching ass is going to let Lyric know if I don't. Hell, he might let King and O know as well. How did I let myself get this deep into some shit? I told myself I wasn't going to be this type of person, if I wanted something different I would've just broken up with her. I was ready for a relationship with Lyric but I wasn't ready to lose Issaiah as a friend. I was feeling Lyric on some heavy shit but I was also feeling Issaiah on some heavy shit as well. Two great women and I'm afraid that I lost them both. All because a nigga couldn't decide and wanted to be greedy. All because I wanted a girlfriend and a girl friend.

"Hey, you've reached Issaiah. Sorry I can't come to the phone right now but leave a message and I'll get back with you."

"Fuck."Lynx walked in the kitchen shaking her head, like she knew what was going on.

"Stop calling her For, she doesn't want to talk to you."

"Shut up and mind your business."I started to dial her number before Lynx snatched the phone out of my hand. I had called Issaiah ten times and sent her plenty of text messages, but she still wasn't trying to talk to me. How was she going to ignore me after we kissed?

"Issaiah wanted me to tell you to leave her alone. What did you do this time?"

"What do you mean, this time?"

"Exactly what I said."

"Mind your business, little girl."

"I'm sixteen For."

"Exactly you're still a child."


"Give me back my phone."

"Come get it."I chased after her trying get my phone back.  She was so childish, but let me do that shit to her and she's crying over it.

"Quit playing and give me back my shit!"

"Hey! Y'all better stop running in my house messing it up, like y'all lost your mind or something."

"Ma, tell Lynx to give me back my phone."

"Boy you better change that demand into a question."

"Can you ma?"

"Lyn, give your brother back his phone and stop messing with him."

"Then tell him to stop messing with Issaiah."

"Girl, give it to him."She dropped her head and her shoulders and slammed my phone into my hand.Out of both our parents we feared our mother the most. She grew up in a very disciplined household and she did the same with us. Said that, that was the same way her kids were to be raised.

"Thanks ma."I turned to go to my room so she wouldn't try to talk about what Lynx said, but she stopped me.

"No son, come on back here. I need to talk to you."

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