Εξήντα τρία

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|Issaiah Love|

Waking up was a struggle this morning. My face was sore, my body ached with heaviness, and I just didn't feel like being productive today. Last night's events came rushing back to my mind; never did I think I'd go through something like that again. It's like I mostly attract crazy guys who feed off of girls that don't want them.

I looked down and smiled at Foreign's head on my chest. His arms were thrown across the pillows that my head rested on, while the bottom half of his body lied in between my legs. As I played through his hair, the sounds of his snores comforted but worried me; it wasn't regular like others'. Because of his sickle cell, it was slower and shorter.

"Foreign." I tapped his back lightly. He groaned and shifted, then wrapped his arms around me. Luckily, his grip was loose enough for me to breathe. "Foreign!" This time I shook him.

"Stop Issaiah." He mumbled and  grabbed my hands, so I wouldn't bother him anymore.

"Let me up." I looked down at him. He opened one of his eyes and stared back.

"You trying to leave me?"

"No, I have to go to the bathroom. Which I'll do here if you don't let me up."

"You can't hold it?"

"Foreign, come on."

"Aight, fine." He rolled over. I quickly hopped up and went to the bathroom. When I was finished, I walked to the sink, washed my hands, and dried them. I returned to his room, grabbed my charged phone off of the nightstand, and checked for any missed calls or text messages.

Everyone had texted me a few times. They asked me where I was, and if I was safe. I wanted to tell them what had happened, but I'd be damned if they started to treat me like a child once they found out. I settled on telling them that I was fine, laid back down, and checked my instagram. Foreign turned his head towards my direction, and stuck his arm out.

"Come here."

"Uh uh, your breath stinks."

"So does yours."

"Go get me a toothbrush and some toothpaste then."

"Issaiah, I'm not getting out of this bed."

"Well tell me where it is."

"First cabinet on your right."

"Thank you." I trailed to Foreign's adjourned bathroom once again. Once I found the items, I wet both of our toothbrushes, then put toothpaste on them. I brought his out since he didn't want to move.


"Man, nobody told you to get my toothbrush for me."

"If you thought that I was going to continue talking to you while your breath smells like death, then you were sadly mistaken. Take the damn toothbrush."

"Act just like my mama."

"That's why you call me Ma Love."

"Whatever." He sat up and we began to brush our teeth together. Damn, this is how it could be in some years. Wake up to each other, brush our teeth together, eat breakfast together, live together, go to bed with one another. I wouldn't mind it and I know he wouldn't either. Finally finished, we both got up, and rinsed our mouths out. "Now can you come here?"


"Issaiah come here."

"You love telling me to come to you, don't you?"

"Yeah and you love coming to me."

"Shut up." I scooted towards him and placed my head in the crook of his neck. My right leg draped over his, while his hand held my ass firmly.

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