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Congratulations to @pimplana for becoming the editor for all future updates. She has continuously caught all of the mistakes made even after I thought I fixed them. @pimplana will be in charge of making sure that these chapter updates are perfect and flawless. Thank you so much girl for catching all my mistakes.

Much Love~Lex

|Issaiah Love|

"Why won't you just tell me?"

"Because I don't have to."

"I told you mine."

"No you didn't. I found out."

"You still know though, so let me know yours."

"It's not that important."

"Not that important? This is your birthday we're talking about. A day all about you. The day that you came into this world. How is that not important?"

"Sai, I'm too grown to celebrate my birthday."

"This will be your first birthday since you've been out of jail. This is something to celebrate!"

"It's really not, niggas get out of jail all the time."

"No they don't. Light skin, pretty boy niggas do, but guys my skin color, their asses stay in there until they rot. For real Foreign, just tell me."


"Why not?"

"You have that look in your eyes right now. I know if I tell you, you're going to try and do some extravagant shit for me."

"First of all, no I won't, because I don't do that for myself. Second of all, I just want to know when it is. Third of all, you're right. I think you deserve to get spoiled on your birthday. You're turning what, 24? That's big, especially since you're about to hit your mid twenties. I don't think I want to date some old nigga. I don't need a sugar daddy."

"Fuck you, my ass is not old. For real Issaiah, if I tell you my birthday you have to promise me that you won't do shit but get me a fucking card from the dollar store with nothing in it."


"Pinky promise."

"I won't make any kinds of promises. Foreign, you know I love doing stuff for others, so just tell me."

"Not until you promise me."

"I can't promise you that."

"Then, I'm not telling you."

"No! Fine, I promise."

"Pinky promise, so I know it's real."

"Fine." I held my pinky out for him to lock his with. My other hand was placed behind my back with my index and middle finger locked. Got 'em!

"Thank you."

"No problem."

"So when is it?"

"February 14th." A small smile sprung upon my lips. Yeah, we were definitely a match made in heaven.

"Valentines Day. Wait, so you already celebrated your birthday out of jail?"

"Yeah." He said it like it held no meaning whatsoever. What the hell?

"So this will be your second birthday out of jail?"

"Looks like it."

"Huh." I saw him throw his head back, and silently curse. Was I a little mad? Yes, but we weren't cool with each other at that time. In all actuality, I couldn't be mad at him.

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