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Foreign Megalos

"What happened to me calling you?"Issaiah asks as she gets in my car on the passenger side. Hell yeah I called and told her ass to get ready so I can taker her out. Looks like the only thing she runs is her mouth.

"Your ass was talking too long."

"More like someone was getting inpatient."

"Issaiah, you know you like to stretch things out."I drive past Issaiah's house and down the street to the stop sign.

"No I don't."

"Aight so the last time you stopped talking to me because I wouldn't kiss you, you weren't stretching anything out?"Her eyes roll up to look at the ceiling trying to think.

"Nah."She shakes her head while saying it.

"Why are you lying?"We finally get out of her neighborhood and at the first light.

"I'm not, you didn't deserve to see or speak to me. And by the way, I hope you're taking me to the shop?"

"For what?"

"I need to talk to some people."

"You still haven't asked anyone?"

"No, I wanted to catch them off guard."

"You act like they're going to lie to you."She looks at me out the corner of her eyes. I know there's some niggas there that would snitch on my ass, so I'm feeling uneasy.

"For your ass, they will."I shake my head while I make a right, heading in the direction of the shop.

"Fine I'll take you over there and when they tell you what I told you, then can I take you out?"

"You can but I doubt that you'll get that opportunity."

"And why not?"

"Because, I know you're guilty."

"You really think half of them will remember?"

"It's worth a try."

"It'S wOrTh a TRy."I mimic her in a whiny tone. It was so easy to mess with her and I know she hates it.

"Shut up."

"Oh, I thought you loved when I copied you."

"Now you know damn well that I don't, so quit playing before I do something you don't like."

"There's not that much that I don't like."

"Oh really?"

"That's what I said."

"Aight so boom, let me touch your ass then."

"I wish the fuck you'd try some shit like that."

"You touch mine all the time, let me touch yours."Sai was always trying to fill me up and I got where she was coming from but I wasn't about to let her touch my ass.

"Touch my shit if you want to, I'll start swerving this bitch."

"I dare you too because if this don't kill you then I will."

"You wouldn't kill me, you like me too much."

"There's plenty of nigas waiting for me to claim them, I'll survive."Sai says it nonchalantly like she's actually considering it.

"Why the fuck are you playing?"

"Who said that I was playing? You're not the only cute guy that interests me."

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