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I apologize for it taking me so long to put up a new chapter. Thank you for being patient with me and my writers block. I know this is going to be a boring chapter but I had to do something. So here you go, enjoy.

Much love-Lex

Foreign Megalos

"Is it always like that?"

"Nah, sometimes it's worse."I took the gloves off my hands and rubbed them together trying to ease the pain. My first day of this new jobs was over and I was ready to go. This job was back breaking but it was better than being a janitor. I felt bad for leaving King, but he was cool about it. He said he'd rather stay their and get paid for not doing shit, then do this. Lazy ass.

"Daddy Foreign!"Lyric pulled up and honked her horn, yelling my nickname extra loud. A couple of the guys looked over our way trying to see as much as they could of Lyric. I shook my head and turned to Oshea.

"I'll see you tomorrow man."

"Bye nigga."After slapping hands with him, I got in the car with Lyric and leaned the seat back. I was fucking exhausted and ready to get in bed.

"Thanks for picking me up."

"What are friends for?"

"Friends huh?"

"Yeah why, you don't want to be friends with me?"She looked over at me pouting playfully.

"Nah, I just thought you'd think of me are you boyfriend."

"Foreign, I already told you I'm looking for a relationship right now. I just was to have fun. Experience new things, you know."

"Just making sure."

"You ok?"

"No, my fucking back hurts from lifting cases of beers all night."

"I can rub it for you if you want."

"Girl, I might need to go ahead and make you my girl."She laughed a little turning down a street.

"Who said that I wanted to be your girlfriend? You're cute or whatever, but I don't date bad boys."

"I'm a bad boy with good dick though."

"Let me be the judge of that."

"Why you trying to play me?"

"I'm not, I'm just saying."We were finally to her apartment. I got out and followed her inside. She led me all the way to her room. I stood off to the side watching her get comfortable in her bed."Come here."

"What you want girl?"

"Lay down."Doing as she said, I took ff my shoes and shirt before getting into her bed. The shit felt good as hell. I was about to knock out in a minute.

Getting more comfortable, I placed one arm over my forbear and the other in my jeans.

"Why do you boys do that?"

"Do what?"

"Put your hands in your pants like that. Do your hands never leave your dick alone?"

"I could leave it alone and let you play with it, if you want."I looked up at her seeing her roll her eyes as she got out the bed. She knew she wanted to laugh at that.

After a few minutes she came back, straddling and waking me up from a brief nap that I was about to indulge in. I watched as she leaned her head down and began to kiss on my chest. A nigga was about to get some pussy.

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