είκοσι εννέα

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Here you guys go, 30+ pages. Yo, this is love. Shoutout to @Youaintgoldin, this long ass chapter is because of you, you really had me hyped talking about you kept on checking for updates on this book. Got me feeling myself and what not. Two chapters in one because I like to keep you guys on your toes. Surprised all around because I know that's what's interesting. BTE gang gang🤘🏽👌🏾. FNGS gang🖕🏽.

Much Love-Lex

|Issaiah Love|

"Where do you think you're going dressed like that, young lady?"

"Daddy, it's not that bad."

"Not that bad, Sai you're not even wearing a bra."

"It's not supposed to be worn with a bra stupid."I corrected Benji who thought he knew everything about women's clothing. Just because you take them off all the time does not make you an expert.

"All I know is that you must think that I'm a fool if you think you're leaving the house like this."

"I'm nineteen daddy, I'm an adult."All he did was point up to the ceiling indicating that I was under his roof so I needed to abide by his rules.

"Go change."

"I don't have anything else to wear and Merci is waiting for me."

"I'm sure Merciana will understand. Go change now or you won't be going at all."

"Fine."I stomped upstairs being childish from not getting my way. I made sure to give both of my brothers the middle finger for siding with our dad. It was cool for other girls to walk around basically nude but I couldn't show my shoulders? Fucking double standard ass hypocrites. Not changing completely, I put a jacket on covering my showing skin and went back downstairs."Is this better?"


"Watch how she takes it off as soon as she leaves."

"Shut up Asagai."

"Make me."I started walking towards him before daddy stopped me and turned me towards the door.

"Have fun baby girl."

"Bye daddy, love you."

"Love you too."I kissed his cheek before leaving out and going to my destination.

Guys were so gullible and it was so easy when your were the baby in the family and everyone thought you deserved to hear yes all the time. I knew if I told them that I was hanging out with Merci they wouldn't question me at all.

Today Foreign and I were going on a "date". I was excited but I wasn't going to get my hopes up. I am only expecting for him to do things that I knew he would do. Foreign told me not to get too dressed up, so I just wore a halter top with sleeves that reached above my wrist some white jeans and some brown open toed heels. Cute and casual.

I pulled up into Merci's apartment complex and got out. Foreign was supposed to be meeting me over here since he was definitely not coming to my house, and Omega's nosey ass was going to try and peep some shit between us that wasn't going on.

"Look at my friend, looking all sexy and shit."Merci opened the door and let me. I laughed at her crazy comment. She was always overdramatic, hyping me up.

"Oh this old thing."

"Shut up, you know you went out and bought something for that nigga to see you in."

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