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|Issaiah Love|

My leg shook vigorously as I sat in his office waiting on my results. Today I was going to be told whether I had HIV or not. I'm sure people would hear that I was just kissing on Amir and think it wasn't that serious. But it is. I exposed myself to all the diseases he had.

"Hello Ms. Love."

"Hey Dr. Harrison."He walked in and squeezed my shoulder before going around his desk and sitting. My heart began to race. This was about to get real.

"I have your results here."

"What does it say?"

"It says."I couldn't look at him. Putting my head down, I waited for him to say if I was positive or negative."You are negative Issaiah. Just like I thought you'd be. Congratulations, now you can stop worrying."

"Thank you so much."I took a breath of relief glad that all ties to Amir are over. After saying our byes and taking my paper, I walked out. Now that I was negative, I could finally kiss Josh. Each time I we hung out, he's wanted to kiss me, but I had to refuse just because I didn't know my status. Now I knew and I was ready.

Pulling up to the school, I text Josh to see where he was.

Where are you?-sent 4:15 p.m.

Hubby💕🙌🏾-I'm on the field running plays. What's up?-sent 4:20 p.m.

Nothing, just wanted to know.-sent 4:22 p.m.

Hubby💕🙌🏾-What are you up to?-sent 4:27 p.m.

Nothing, I can't ask about you?-4:29 p.m.

Hubby💕🙌🏾-You can, but you know how you are.-sent 4:34 p.m.

I locked my phone not bothering to reply to him. I got out my car and locked it before walking across the campus to get to the football field. My baby was number 40. He didn't know that he was my baby yet, but he was surely about to find out. I was going to embarrass myself all for him. I spotted him standing off to the side checking to see if I replied to his text. Going in the gate, I ran over to him and started flipping.

"Josh!"He looked up and automatically started smiling. I hit a split in front of him while everyone watched us.

"What are you doing here?"

"I got something for you."

"For me?"

"Mmhmm."I got up and walked closer to him, practically getting in his face before grabbing it and kissing him.

"I'm sweaty."

"I'm wearing make up, what's your point?"He lifted my up and I instantly wrapped my legs around his waist.

The rest of his teammates cheered him on making him smile against my lips. He stuck his tongue out and I started sucking on it. For a moment I forgot where I was because the kiss was just that good. He was putting me in a trance. His hands squeezed my butt while I sucked on bit on his bottom lip.

"You're going to get me in trouble."

"But it'll be worth it."

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