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I'm proud of myself. Wrote this in a few hours just for you guys. I must really love you all. I better have my comments overflowing.

Much love-Lex

Foreign Megalos

"For,  are you almost ready?"

"Just about."I leaned over and tied my shoes up before standing up and spraying my cologne.

"You smell good."

"Thank you, you looking sexy in that dress."

"You know."She swung her hair doing a pose.

We were getting ready for Omega's party that he was having at Issaiah's parents house. How'd they allow this, I don't know. How the hell did I get invited, I don't know. All I knew was that I was going to keep my distance from that damn girl and enjoy my time with Lyric. If she tried to speak to me, which I doubted, I would try my best to not snap on her. The last thing that Omega needed, was us arguing.

"Lyric, you ready to go?"

"Yes sir."I had gotten my license the other day and I was feeling good. Now all I needed was a car and I'll be straight.

Lyric and I walked to her car and got in. I started the car up and backed up on the road.

"How are you going to introduce me to your friends and cousin?"

"How do you want to be introduced?"

"I don't know, I guess as your friend."I looked over at her.

"You're not falling for the kid are you?"

"A little, but I'm not ready for a relationship."

"Me either, but we don't have to put titles on this situation we have going on."

"You're right, just introduce me as your lover."

"Bet, and you better not get shy."

"Don't embarrass me and I won't."I shook my head, turning on to the street. The last time I was over here, was when I first got out of jail. I was hoping I'd never have to return, but shit happens.

After finding a space, we got out and walked inside. The place was filled up and I knew shit was going to pop off in here. I just hope I'm far gone when it does.

"You finally made it."Wes and King came up to us. Instinctively, I wrapped my arm around Lyric's waist to let them know that she wasn't going anywhere with them. She was all mine right now.

"What's this?"

"I know Foreign isn't locked down."

"Fuck out of here. This is my friend Lyric. Lyric, these two clowns are King and Wes."

"Nice to meet you."

"Friend or lover?"

"Both."Lyric stood up on her tippy toes and began kissing on my neck trying to leave a mark. If this girls doesn't stop I was going to fuck her right here.

"Damn, you got a winner."

"Don't I know it."I smiled down at her before looking around trying to figure out who all these people were. Omega only talked to a handful of people, so all these people must've been extras or some shit.

"How the hell did you get in this bitch?"King asked the same question that I was wondering. I thought this girl would have security and everything with my picture on the "do not let in" list. She was probably too into her nigga to worry about me.

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