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Sorry that it's been a while since I updated, I just couldn't think how to start this chapter off. I wrote a lot but ended up deleting most of it and starting new. I'm glad I did though because I feel like this is a bomb chapter. Anyways guys, next chapter is going to be up next week since it is a national holiday. Well at least to me it is, so be on the look out. Drop what you think the "national holiday" is in the comments.

BTE gang gang👌🏾🤘🏽

P.S. I did not edit this so excuse the mistakes.

Much Love~Lex

|Issaiah Love|

I sat in the hallway of the old apartment building. A blunt in my hand and many thoughts on my mind. I needed to talk to someone and he seemed like the right one that'd listen without judgement. Right now, I needed to get things off of my chest. Tell my reality and spill my truth.

I placed the blunts to my lips and sucked in, trying to get as much of the drug in me as possible. Pulling it from my mouth, I leaned my head back and blew the smoke out. My eyes followed the white mist watching it swirl above my head and dance in my face. I shook my head letting stupid thoughts run through it. The what ifs and endless possibilities.

"Issaiah."My head shot in the direction of the voice. A small smile sat on my face as saw him walk up with his daughter. The mad I should've stayed with instead of getting my hopes up and being let down by Foreign.

"Hey."I looked to the little girl."Hey cutie."

Josh grabbed his daughter and picked her up before unlocking his apartment door and slid her in. He walked over to me and squatted. My eyes went to his hair seeing that he'd just gotten it done. The tips of his dreads were a light brown. I dropped my eyes down to his lips seeing that he was growing his mustache out more. He looked good.

"What are you doing here Sai?"

"I came to see you."

"Came to see me huh?"I leaned my hand out and pulled on the bit of hair that sat on his chin. He grabbed my left hand and took the blunt from my hand pitting it out on the bottom of his shoe. Josh stood up before hold his hand out to help me up. Once I got up, he led me inside and walked me over to his couch."I'll be right back."He walked over to his little girl and picked her up."You're going to go to your room and play with your toys while the grown folks talk."

"Da, me wanna see white clouds 'gain."

"No ma'am, white clouds aren't for little girls."

"Puhwease da?"

"No baby."

"You no fun."She pouted a little while he carried her to the back she was so adorable. I took it upon myself to take my shoes off and get more comfortable. It felt nice being back here.

My phone buzzed and I knew it was nobody but Foreign. He had been trying to get me to meet up with him for a week. I wasn't in the mood to talk to him or hear him out. He chose who he wanted to and as much as I wanted to, I couldn't change that.

Josh came back and sat next to me. I noticed that he had changed into something more comfortable. I bit my lip as he smiled at me. Being bold, I scooted closer to him. He laughed a bit. I'm guessing he knew what I was thinking about. Leaning into him, I grabbed the back of his head and placed my lips on his. Our lips moved together trying to take each other's last breath. I silently moaned finally getting some action. It had been a minute since my lips had been on someone else's and it was nice to get my fix.

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