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Wooow, so I didn't even mean for the chapter to be this long. I had an idea of what I wanted to have in here, but I didn't know that it was going to be 30+ pages. You're welcome though! Don't read too fast, because it might take me a while for the next update. Anyway, enjoy!

Much Love ~Lex

Foreign Megalos

Issaiah has really been on my ass lately about shit that I'm trying to help her cope with. If it's not the way that I say certain things, then it's how i do them. I'm walking on egg shells around her, and I'm getting tired of it. She's so damn sensitive and defensive; this is definitely not the same Issaiah that I first met. I get where she's coming from, but damn, at least she could acknowledge the fact that I'm trying, and cut me some slack.

I went inside of the club and walked straight towards the bar. That nigga was still around her, despite the conversation we had the last time I seen him. I'd deal with that later though, right now, I need to talk to Sai.

I sat down in a barstool, and waited until she was finished with other customers.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Issaiah asked when people began to clear the area.

"What's up man?" That nigga came up to me with his hand out for a dap. The fuck? Dude gotta be off something if he think we're cool. I ignored his gesture, grabbed Sai's hand, and took her to a secluded spot. She chewed on her bottom lip waiting for me to speak.

"You know that I like you on some heavy shit, right?"

"Yeah, I like you too."

"So why are you treating me like I'm the worst person to have around?"

"I'm not."

"How many times have you compared me to your ex nigga?"

"Five times."

"Try thirty. Thirty times that you have told me that I reminded you of him. I'm nothing like that nigga!"

"I know that you're not like him Foreign. Calm down."

"Issaiah, don't try to play me like I don't know what I'm talking about. You're comparing me to that nigga like it's okay. I'm the one that's breaking my neck, trying to fix his mistakes. I get that you need the protection, security, and reassurance, but at some point you have to start being accountable for making yourself feel that way as well. I want this relationship to work out, but I can only do that if you meet me half way."

"Foreign you have to give me some time."

"I have given you nothing but time. It's your turn now."

"So what are you saying, you're done with me?"

"I'm saying either you work on it and yourself or we will be done. I'm not going to keep chasing after you, if this is all I have to look forward to, when we do end up dating. I did that shit with Lyric and I'm not trying to go through it again."

"So it's cool for you to compare me to your ex but I can't compare you to mine."

"Lyric didn't give me a reason to be afraid of her. She had her faults, but we're not going to compare our bad relationships. I'm not trying to hurt you, I'm just saying try harder."

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