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I'm praying for everyone that was affected by Hurricane Nate and also the fire that happened in California. I hope that you guys are safe and evacuating fast enough.

P.S. I actually read through it and edited it so if you see any mistakes, it's just your eyes.😒 I'm just, but hopefully I didn't miss anything.🙄😩Anyway let me let you guys read this chapter.

Much Love~Lex

|Issaiah Love|

"Alright Issaiah, one more lap around the hospital and you can go back to your room."

"Ms. Dana I'm tired, can I please go back to my room now?"

"No baby, we have to get you moving and out of this room or it'll be harder on you to recover."I groaned becoming irritated. This was too much on me and I was hot and sweaty. I felt like I needed to take a bath.

"What if I say that I feel like I'm about to pass out, then could I go back to my room?"

"You can, but I know you're just lying so we're going to keep on walking until you're finished."


"Issaiah, just think about how good you'll feel after you finish this last lap."

"The first four makes me feel just as good."

"I'll tell you what, you give me one more lap and I will personally go get you a milkshake from Chic-fil-A and a chocolate wave from Red Lobsters."

"There's no bargaining with her, she's lazy and stubborn."My cheeks heated up hearing his voice.

After being in this hospital for a good month and a half he finally decided to come and see me. Turning around, I folded my arms and screwed my face up to look at Josh. He had that same cocky smile on his face that he always did. I looked down to his side and saw his beautiful daughter who was too stuck on whatever was playing in the screen of his phone to pay us any mind.

"What are you doing here?"

"Came to see you."

"Well you're a month too late."

"I've been busy with this little girl, I'm sorry."

"Mhmm."He tapped his daughter's shoulder to get her attention.

"Leiani, don't be rude say hi."


"Hey beautiful."

"Ahem?"I looked to Ms.Dana who was trying to figure out who Josh was.

"Sorry, Ms. Dana this is my friend Josh, Josh this is my nurse, Ms. Dana."They both held their hands out to shake, greeting each other in the process.

"Issaiah and I are working on her last lap, you two are free to join us."

"No I'm no-"Ms.Dana gave me that look all mothers gave their children."Yeah, you two should join us."

"What do you say, princess, you want to walk around the hospital?"



"Da, me want pick up."

"No ma'am, you're a big girl you can walk."

"Me want pick up."She started stomping her feet and throwing a fit. How was he going to talk about me being stubborn when his daughter was spoiled.

"Leiani, do you want a pop?"


"Lower your voice."

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