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To my readers that have families in Haiti 🇭🇹 or are over there as I type, I'm praying that you guys are ok. I pray that you are staying safe. From what I've been reading on social media, your government is getting corrupted. You guys are having so many problems that I pray get situated. Too many people are getting hurt and it's so sad that it's taking constant riots to try and see change in their government.

If y'all have more topics thatI didn't touch on, let me know if you want to. I don't mind praying for you guys or your situations with your families or something that you've seen on the news etc.

Oh, you know how we have some snitches out here telling on certain people. Just know that there are real people that want to see you succeed, that will support you no matter what. You guys are business oriented and entrepreneurs and I want to see you guys win. Get it the best way you know how and don't stop until you're signing checks.

Much Love~Lex

|Issaiah Love|

Von and I sit in daddy's office trying to go over all the evidence that we had. Although I feel like we're getting to a dead end, Von is still believing we'll reach a breakthrough. She is always positive and now that Foreign is involved she's definitely going hard for him.

"So you said Foreign just went over unannounced, tied Alonzo up and beat him."

I nod my head that is resting on my hands.


"And his reason for it was to protect you, correct?"

Again I nod and sigh knowing exactly what she was going to say next.

"Yeah, all for me."

"Why did you wait so long to tell us what happened to you?"

"Because I had it covered, or at least I swore I did. I didn't feel like worrying you guys over something that wasn't going to be a problem anymore. You guys get worked up and always stress the situation."

"That's only because we worry about you Issaiah. You've had-"I cut her off already know what she was going to say. It's the same line every time something happens to me.

"I've had it hard and you just want to make it easier for me. I get it but I don't need to be treated like a baby I'm twenty; I don't need to be kept track of and I don't need to be monitored."

"I'm sorry that you feel that way."

"Do we at least have a strong case?"Von stars to nod her head while looking through the papers she's collected.

"We do, but I'm not sure what Alonzo's lawyer is going to pull out. If he has one."

"That shouldn't affect us right, I mean that bar has cameras around? Granted it was dark but we can still use it right?"

"Yes, but Issaiah the jury's eyes might not conform to see it as Alonzo and his hurting you. They might think you're just a girl that gets down like that."

"But I'm not!"I stand up as if they've actually said it to me.

"I know that, but other's may not and you have to be fine with that in that courtroom. His lawyer is going to say anything he wants because that's the persona that they want the jury to see you as."

"If his lawyer is a women I'm taking her outside and I'm showing her these hands."

"No you're not."

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