Είκοσι τρία

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Merci up top Lyric down bottom.

|Issaiah Love|

"Wait, run that by me again."

"I kissed him. How many times do you want me to repeat it, geez?"

"I'm sorry, I'm just trying to wrap my head around this."I sat in the salon chair getting my nails done with Merci. We both needed a break from work and this was a good place to go. In the mist of us talking about her love life, we ended up talking about mine.

"Ok, well hurry up because I'm not about to keep on repeating it."

"Yo, what happened to him being an asshole?"

"He still is, but my feelings for him has changed."I shrugged my shoulders pouring out my true feeling. Yes, I liked Foreign. He wasn't that bad of a guy, I don't believe. It's just he did shit that I hated and spoke to me in a disrespectful way.

"Damn, so it was that good."

"Yes, both times."

"Two times?"She leaned her head back trying to play dead."One must've not been enough."

"Stoooop. The second time was only me trying to prove a point."

"Which was?"

"That he likes me just as much as I like him."She pouted a little nodding her head in the direction of the door.

"Then why is he with her?"I turned my head seeing Foreign walk in with Lyric on his arm. They clung to each other like Siamese twins. I watched as the walked passed. He watch me from the corner of his eyes trying to be slick, but I saw him. Lyric didn't notice me, at least I don't think she did.

"They're just friends, but I'm not worried."

"And why not?"

"Because he'll get tired of fighting his feelings for me and drop her."

"I don't know Sai, they look pretty tight. You see how they're kissing?"I looked at Merci watching her enjoy the scene that they were making. Was I jealous? Hell no. That was just a temporary stage. One of them is bound to want something more serious or different. Fuck buddies don't last that long.

"Just give it some time."

"You really like this boy."

"I like him, yes, but not as much as you're making it out to be."


"Whatever, I'm surprised that he's still with her even after we kissed. I put it on him."

"It was that good."

"He didn't resist, so you tell me."

"I believe it. Did he grab a handful of ass too?"

"That's like asking a kid if they grabbed the candy in front of them knowing damn well they did."

"See all of that attitude is not called for. Probably why that boy doesn't want you."I rolled my eyes and turned my attention to my phone. Joshua had text me to see if I wanted to work on the project and then hang with him. I text him back and said that I was down for it."Who are you texting now?"

"My partner that I have a project with."

"Joshua, sounds cute. Do you have a picture of him?"

"No, why would I?"

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