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You guys, a G is pissed. Wattpad has fucked me over. My dumb ass tried to publish on my laptop thinking everything was going to go smoothly. Wrong as fuck. I should've just uploaded this chapter from my phone. So if you guys read the chapter but then it deleted in the middle of you reading it or you didn't see it, I'm sorry. Just know that this chapter will be better. Also, whoever it was that came up with name for Foreign and Issaiah in the comments on one of the latest chapter, can you please let me know? I loved it and I would love to shout you out.

Much Love~Lex

Foreign Megalos

A nigga was happy as fuck that Issaiah agreed for us to start building a relationship again. Even if we were just friends at the moment. I wasn't going to complain because she could've easily said fuck me and went on with her life. But I was going to make sure that I did everything in my power to make sure that she knew how I wanted us to be. I really believed that we belonged together.

"I didn't come here to watch you be on your phone. You invited me over so we could talk and hang out."

"What do you want to talk about then?"I felt my phone get snatched from my hand forcing my eyes to roll up to look at a slightly agitated Issaiah. She looked sexy as hell when she was mad. I bit my lip just roaming my eyes over her body.

"Foreign, stop looking at me like that."

"I thought you wanted my full attention."

"Not this type though."

"I can't help it, you just look so...damn."She hid her face in her hands embarrassed by my remark. I wasn't lying. Issaiah walked over to me and turned my face to stop looking at her.


"Aight, aight, what do you want to talk about?"She held her index finger to her chin and started lightly tapping it before stopping to look at my phone that had chimed. Most girls would've been nosey and tried to read the message but Issaiah wasn't most girls. All Sai did was hand me back my phone and took a seat back in the seat she was previously sitting in.

I replied back to the text from O before giving her my full attention.

"Lets talk about....let's talk about Rae."

"What about her?"

"Did you two have something going on?"

"Why does that matter?"

"Just trying to start a conversation."I looked at her trying to figure out if she was serious or just seeing if she could get a reaction out of me. Truth be told, there wasn't shit going on with me and that girl. Yeah we talked a  couple of times but that was it. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Ask me something else because that shit doesn't matter."

"So there was something going on with you two?"

"I didn't say that."

"You didn't not say that."

"I didn't say anything at all."

"Fine, whatever you have going on with other girls doesn't matter. We're not in a relationship. Strictly friends."

"You believe that?"

"Don't start. I know you Foreign, you have that look in your eyes."

"What look?"She bit her lip trying to look everywhere else but me while she moved her hair from left to right and back to the left. Damn, I was making this girl nervous. Good to know that I still had this affect on her. I stood up and started making my way over to her. Her hand was held out trying to stop me from coming closer. I stood her up trying to hug her but she wasn't trying to have anything go down between us.

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